

Got A Bad feeling

I have a bad feeling about this…

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"I'm Detta. Detta Yao. Fourth year grad student."
―Detta Yao[1]

Detta Yao was a human female archaeology graduate student at the Shadow University. At one point, she worked with Doctor Chelli Aphra to search for the Rings of Vaale.


Search for the Rings of Vaale[]

Yao was determined to write her doctorate thesis on the supposedly cursed artifact known as the Rings of Vaale, but was discouraged and dismissed by professors who believed that she was fixating on folk lore over facts. Undeterred, Yao spent her time on independent research on the Rings until she uncovered enough information that she was prepared to begin an expedition to locate the Rings and claim them for herself.[4] Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, Yao met the rogue archaeologist Doctor Chelli Aphra in a cantina and asked her to help her find the rings. When Aphra inquired about why her proposed expedition wasn't being funded by the University, Yao deflected by mentioning that the rings were supposedly cursed. Yao hired Aphra to help her find the artifact, working with Aphra's crew, the smuggler Just Lucky and bounty hunter Krrsantan, before finally recruiting former Shadow University professor Doctor Eustacia Okka.[1]

The group traveled to the planet Dianth, where they ventured into the cursed city of Vaale. As they made their way through, Yao was scared by carved faces that were moving, but no one else in the group experienced the phenomenon. As they searched around the sanctum of the Architects of Vaale, Aphra guessed that Yao was under the influence of hallucinations. Meanwhile, Yao instructed Okka's droid TA-418 to scan some of the architecture of the place. As they tried to pass through the door, Yao found a small structure that she thought was the key code to passing through, but when she attempted to use the key, it began to emit a loud sound. To stop the sound, Black Krrsantan and Lucky both fired their weapons at it, causing the noise to stop but also causing the floor to collapse out from under them. Yao watched as Lucky, Black Krrsantan, and Okka fell while she remained with Aphra. However, they were soon surrounded by Tagge's forces who were determined to arrest the explorers and bring the Rings to their employer.[5]

Using her flirtatious affectation, Yao was able to distract a number of their would be captors as Aphra tricked the Tagge guards into activating several of the safety systems within the city. Able to escape the destruction caused by the Vaale security droids, Yao and Aphra located the worship of the Architects but were disappointed to find the artifacts missing from their case. As they looked at the empty room, Aphra accused Yao of planning to take the Rings for herself once they were secured, and the pair began to draw their blasters but were interrupted by Lucky and Doctor Okka claiming to have the Ring of Fortune. Yao drew her blaster on Okka and demanded to see the ring, but when she opened the case she found it empty. Falling into a rage, Yao threatened to shoot Okka for lying, but stopped when Lucky revealed he had the ring in his pocket. Distracted by Lucky, Yao was shot in the back by Doctor Aphra as the Tagge forces, under the command of Lucky, rushed in to secure the room.[4]

Tied up by Aphra and her crew, Yao was able to escape with the others as they utilized the city's ancient sewage system to circumvent Lucky's attempt to entomb them. As the group made it to the surface, the Tagge fleet launched an orbital bombardment of the city, and Aphra's ship. Locating a High Republic Era ship in working order, the group agreed to fly to Cantonica to confront Tagge for his crimes against them.[6] Upon arrival on Cantonica, the four were cuffed and escorted to Tagge's private penthouse in Canto Bight as Doctor Aphra had intended to happen. Once gathered in his gallery, Tagge revealed to the group that he already had the Ring of Immortality and his plan was to destroy both rings to solidify his legacy. Playing to his ego, Aphra was able to distract Tagge long enough to trap him in his own disintegration chamber while Yao used a concealed blade to defend against the onrushing security forces. Escaping with pockets full of artifacts after Aphra programed the disintegration booth to explode, Yao and Professor Okka returned to the Shadow Academy, ending their expedition with Aphra.[2]



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