


"...the brigands have taken everything else from us—water, commerce, sometimes our lives—let's not let them steal the common decency that's all some of us have left!"
―Darial Anglethorn[1]

Darial Anglethorn was a female Human moisture farmer and peacekeeper who later became her homeworld of Beheboth's first representative in the New Republic Senate. Anglethorn owned and operated the largest moisture farm on Beheboth, and when the arid world's farmers came under threat by brigand raids in 3 ABY, Anglethorn organized and led the defense efforts, and later joined with Rebel hero Luke Skywalker to play a key role in the brigands' defeat. Anglethorn later became elected peacekeeper of the town of Prosperity, while continuing to operate her farm and serve in the New Republic Senate. Mildly Force-sensitive, unbeknownst to her, she later called on Skywalker again in 8 ABY, to help investigate the mysterious death of a man found on her farm.


Battling brigands[]

"I run the biggest moisture farm on the planet. That's why I had so much pull with those folks back at the inn. They're mostly farmers, too. Or at least they were before the brigands arrived."
―Darial Anglethorn[1]

Darial Anglethorn recruits Luke Skywalker to defend Beheboth against brigands.

A Human female, Darial Anglethorn ran the biggest moisture farm on her homeworld, the arid planet Beheboth, during the Galactic Civil War. Around 3 ABY, many of the surrounding farms and homes started to be raided by mysterious brigands, who would arrive completely unseen and steal every drop of water they had. Anglethorn's farm was later to be targeted, during which time Anglethorn stepped into a leadership role in the nearby community of Garrotine, providing water to those left bereft by the brigands' attacks and coordinating their defense efforts. This came at considerable expense to Anglethorn—having already invested heavily in providing her farm with the best technology money could buy, she transformed her farm into something akin to a military fort, with high walls and multiple lines of defense. At the height of these raids, Anglethorn happened into a cantina where she broke up a brewing fight between a group of locals and an offworlder named Luke Skywalker, who had drawn their suspicion. Impressed with how Skywalker handled himself, Anglethorn offered the stranger a job guarding her farm, expecting a brigand attack to come.[1]

Skywalker accepted, but the offworlder was only on-site for a few hours before the brigands finally struck Anglethorn's farm—up late sharing a mug of hot chav with Skywalker, Anglethorn was rendered unconscious by a mysterious force and carried off to the brigands' hideaway. There, she learned her enemy's true nature—led by a ruthless bandit named Gideon Longspar, the brigands struck using a unique creature called the Tirrith, an empathic gaseous culture of hive-minded sentient particles. Longspar compelled the Tirrith's obedience by imprisoning part of the creature and threatening it with harm, but the sympathetic Tirrith later helped free Anglethorn and Skywalker from their prison cell, and aided them in destroying Longspar's gang—Anglethorn reluctantly struck the killing blow, destroying a tank filled with all of the brigands' collected water to cause a flood that buried the raiders. Although Anglethorn feared for her planet's future after sacrificing so much precious moisture, the Tirrith paid off her faith by seeding Beheboth's clouds and causing heavy rain for the first time in generations.[1]


"If someone has been manipulating Tirrith again and somehow turned them lethal, I'm going to need help. I'm heading out to the New Republic's base in Longspar's old fortress to ask for assistance, but first I'm going to send a message to Luke Skywalker on Doc Jerimott's HoloNet node. I have a hunch Luke might be the only one who can help."
―Darial Anglethorn[2]

Anglethorn had an explosive run-in with former Imperial admiral Mils Giel in 8 ABY.

Anglethorn took on an even more prominent role in Beheboth society in the years after Longspar's fall—in 7 ABY she was appointed as Beheboth's first representative to the New Republic Senate. As Anglethorn simultaneously served as elected peacekeeper of Garrotine—since renamed Prosperity—and kept busy maintaining her own farm, she only attended one or two major Senate sessions per year. Anglethorn's duties included investigating murders, and in 8 ABY, Anglethorn began looking into the mysterious death of a former employee of hers, Berl Matoone, whose bloated corpse she discovered on her farm with his blood somehow turned completely toxic. Fearing that somehow the Tirrith was once again being manipulated by a malign force, Anglethorn requested the aid of her old friend Skywalker, who had since become a Jedi Knight after earning great renown as a hero of the Rebel Alliance.[2]

Anglethorn continued her investigation as she awaited Skywalker's return, and discovered a link between Matoone and two offworlders, Mils Giel and Malka, who had recently started a farm of their own on Beheboth. Anglethorn learned that Giel and Malka had begun training Tirrith as a weapon for an unknown purpose, and attempted to apprehend the duo. Giel and Malka attempted to flee the planet when they found that the heat was on, resulting in Anglethorn chasing them through the streets of Prosperity on her speeder bike. Although Anglethorn killed Malka with a blaster shot, Giel triggered an explosion that dealt her grievous injuries—after the wounded peacekeeper unconsciously reached out through the Force for aid, Skywalker found Anglethorn severely wounded but alive. Anglethorn later awoke after two days under the care of Doctor Hower Jerimott, recounting her story to Skywalker, who had previously encountered Giel during the man's days as an Imperial admiral. Although Giel had fled Beheboth, Anglethorn gave the Jedi a tip: Giel had fled in a stolen ship that had an impoundment transmitter which could pinpoint its location, after its previous owner had become delinquent on docking fees.[2]

Personality and traits[]

"The only way any of us is going to survive is if we all pull together. We're more than neighbors here—we're a community."
―Darial Anglethorn[1]

Possessing keen instincts and an unshakeable determination, Darial Anglethorn learned at a young age to trust her hunches in difficult situations, not knowing that her sharp intuition was partially a result of a mild Force-sensitivity of which she was unaware. As an adult, she developed the ability to use the Force unconsciously in certain situations, frequently using her natural affinity for Force empathy and reaching out through the Force for aid in a crisis.[2] Anglethorn's status as the largest moisture farmer on Beheboth put the woman into a prominent position, which she handled with compassion and responsibility—the people of her community respected her as a leader, and she in turn worked to keep the peace and preserve the fundamental sense of decency that she held dear. Anglethorn had great belief and trust in her fellow natives of Beheboth, believing that their only hope against the brigands was to stand together.[1] Anglethorn was also capable in a fight, an avid speeder bike rider who could handle a blaster. Although unfamiliar with many non-Human species, Anglethorn was multilingual, speaking Huttese, Ryl and Ithorese besides Basic.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Darial Anglethorn appeared in Star Wars (1977) 66, written by David Michelinie, illustrated by Walt Simonson and released in 1982.[1] She later featured heavily in Beheboth: Blood and Water, a 2004 Wizards of the Coast article written by Cory J. Herndon.[2]



Notes and references[]

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