

For other uses, see Hegemony.

The Ciutric Hegemony was a wealthy region in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy, consisting of 25 worlds dominated by Ciutric IV. The Ciutric Hegemony also designated the aristocratic regime that controlled the region during the Old Republic era and the Imperial Period.

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, the Ciutric Hegemony was ruled by Grand Vizier Sate Pestage who turned the region into a model Imperial state. After the death of Emperor Palpatine during the Galactic Civil War, the Ciutric Hegemony fell to warlord Delak Krennel, who oppressively ruled over the region as Prince-Admiral. The Hegemony became a stronghold of Imperial power and one of the numerous Imperial splinter factions targeted by the New Republic in the decade following the Battle of Endor.


"Ciutric, which is the political and economic hub of the Hegemony."
Admiral Ackbar[3]

The Ciutric Hegemony was a cluster of 25 wealthy worlds,[9] located in 12 star systems of the Outer Rim Territories.[1] The Hegemony was politically and economically dominated by Ciutric IV, in the Ciutric system. Other star systems included the Liinade and the Corvis Minor systems[3] in the Ciutric sector.[4] Although the Ciutric sector formed the core of the Hegemony, the latter also encompassed star systems located in neighboring sectors[1][4] such as the Axxila system[2] in the D'Astan sector[4] and the Vrosynri system[3] in the Nijune sector.[4]


"He murdered Sate Pestage and took over his holdings-the Ciutric Hegemony. It made him the leader of a dozen worlds and gave him a fair amount of material resources. He didn't join Thrawn per se, but seems to have given him monetary support. He rules from Ciutric and has a fleet of a dozen or so capital ships, including his Reckoning."
―Admiral Ackbar, about Delak Krennel[3]

The Ciutric Hegemony was an aristocratic state[5] controlled by corporate interests.[2] It had been ruled for generations by the Pestage family.[5] During the Galactic Republic, the Hegemony was defended by the Ciutric Planetary Security Forces.[2]

During the Clone Wars, the Ciutric Hegemony joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems, prompting Republic loyalist such as the Free Axxilans to relocate to neighboring systems. The Hegemony remained in Separatist space until the end of the Clone Wars. In the aftermath of the war, the Separatists were driven out of the region by the newly-formed Galactic Empire during the Ciutric Offensive. Moff Pensar Luc became the Imperial governor of the Ciutric Hegemony. The Moff created the Axxila antipirate fleet from veterans of the Ciutric Planetary Security Forces to pacify the region.[2] The Ciutric Hegemony was eventually given to Sate Pestage, Grand Vizier of the Galactic Empire by Emperor Palpatine.[9] During the Imperial Period, the Hegemony became a model Imperial state.[5]

Empire 7-8 ABY

The Ciutric Hegemony by 7 ABY

Sate Pestage was assassinated on Ciutric IV by Imperial Admiral Delak Krennel several months after the Battle of Endor.[8] The Ciutric Hegemony was soon usurped by the murderer of Pestage who made the region into his pocket Empire and turned the Hegemony into an Imperial stronghold. As the New Republic battered the remnants of the Empire, the self-styled Prince-Admiral turned the Hegemony into a sanctuary for supporters of the New Order. Althoug the Hegemony's population was only 56% Human, with several worlds having a large alien majority, Krennel operated it as a humanocentrist regime. The Prince-Admiral maintained his power by frequent, bloody purges of any possible opposition, including the Pestage family.[3] Krennel also used barbarous methods to expand his influence to nearby sectors, overrunning other Imperial warlords such as Gaen Drommel and Walang Grazz.[10]


Rogue Squadron attacked Ciutric Hegemony forces on Liinade III

In 9 ABY, the Ciutric Hegemony supported Grand Admiral Thrawn during his campaign against the New Republic.[1] After the defeat of Thrawn later the same year, the New Republic sought to eliminate the remaining Imperial warlords. Being the most powerful at that moment, Krennel was first on the list.[10] In response, the Prince-Admiral made some peace overtures to the New Republic but used the media to spin-doctor xenophobic ideas into a political tool against the New Republic. Moreover, the warlord attempted to develop a new superweapon: the Pulsar Station. As the confrontation proved inevitable, Rogue Squadron launched a series of raids against the Hegemony. Finally, the forces of the Ciutric Hegemony were defeated during the Battle of Ciutric; the the Prince-Admiral was killed in the battle.[3]

After the Imperial Reunification in 12 ABY, the Ciutric Hegemony remained in Imperial Remnant space until 17 ABY. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the region was invaded in 25 ABY, and several of its star systems, including the Ciutric and Axxila systems, were conquered by the Yuuzhan Vong.[1]



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