This category is for stub articles relating to planets. You can help Wookieepedia by expanding them.
To add an article to this category, use {{Planet-stub}} instead of {{Stub}}.
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All items (2426)
- Baramorra
- Barison
- Barkhesh/Legends
- Bar'leth
- Baroonda/Legends
- Baros/Legends
- Barton IV
- Baseworld
- Basteel/Legends
- Batuv
- Bavana
- Bedlam/Legends
- Bedlann
- Begamor
- Bellassa/Legends
- Benath
- Bendii
- Benglor
- Benja-Rihn
- Berchest
- Bes
- Besh Gorgon
- Bilzen
- Birren
- Blackfel
- Boneworld
- Boordii
- Boothi XII
- Bora Vio
- Borgo Prime
- Borleias/Legends
- Borosk
- Borosk/Legends
- Botajef
- Bothawui
- Botor
- Bovo Yagen (location)/Legends
- Bpfassh
- Brendok
- Bri'ahl
- Bryndar
- Bundil
- Bursant
- Byblos/Legends
- Caamas
- Caddaw
- Cadomai Prime
- Cal-Seti/Legends
- Calior
- Camson
- Carajam
- Cardooine/Legends
- Carreras Major
- Cartao/Legends
- Cataalda
- Cathar (location)/Legends
- Cavas
- Cerosha
- Chaaktil
- Chadawa
- Chal Hudda
- Champala
- Chandar's Folly
- Charmath
- Chenley Prime
- Cholganna/Legends
- Choss