

This article is about the script. You may be looking for the language Atrisian Basic.

Atrisian script was a writing system used in the galaxy originating in Atrisia.


Atrisian scribes wrote in that script the Sayings of Uueg Tching who taught his heirs, and Uueg intended them to be a guide to his descendants.[1]

At the time of the Cold War, many inscriptions and advertisements in Atrisian script could be spotted, notably on Nar Shaddaa. This means this script was already in wide galactic use as of 3653 BBY.[2]

Millennia later, by the time of the Galactic Civil War, it was most commonly used for confidential information.[3]

The Galactic Empire made use of code locks in Imperial installations where one entered a combination using letters from the Atrisian alphabet to access some sections; it was Officers who typically carried code keys that showed each 3-letter combination. Some crates stored in Ramsees Hed had labels with Atrisian characters.[4]

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Behind the scenes[]

Imperial clock screensaver

The "Imperial Clock" screensaver in Star Wars Screen Entertainment

An ornate version of this alphabet appeared in 1994's Star Wars Screen Entertainment, in a module that was a re-creation of the Death Star Viewport targeting Yavin 4.



Notes and references[]

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