

For other uses, see Amos.

"But...But I won..."
―Captain Amos, just prior to the destruction of the ISD Tormentor[2]

Amos was an individual who served as a captain within the naval forces of the Galactic Empire. Amos was in command of a fleet that protected Desevro, and led it from his flagship, the ISD Tormentor. The fleet was ultimately destroyed due to Amos' carelessness, and he perished when the Tormentor was destroyed in a battle above Desevro.[2]

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Notes and references[]

  1. Star Wars: Squadrons dates the game's main story to four years after the battle at Fostar Haven, which takes place shortly after the Disaster. As Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the destruction to 0 BBY, the main story must take place around 4 ABY.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Star Wars: Squadrons
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