The twin of A'Vor was a male Tusken Raider who was a member of A'Yark's tribe.[1]
A'Vor twin lived on the Outer Rim world of Tatooine during the Galactic Civil War as part of Chieftain A'Yark's tribe. Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, they and their twin brother, A'Vor joined by their cousin, A'Koba, killed a juvenile krayt dragon as a rite of passage into adulthood. They then claimed to A'Yark that they would be able to kill the adult krayts as well.
After A'Koba knocked Luke Skywalker unconscious, they and their twin brother, along with their cousin began searching Skywalker's landspeeder. They were scared off by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, who mimicked the call of a krayt dragon to spook A'Vor and his fellow Tusken Raiders into fleeing.
- Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope (First appearance)
- Star Wars: A New Hope junior novelization
- Star Wars: The Original Trilogy – A Graphic Novel
- "Rites" — From a Certain Point of View (and audiobook)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 11 (Helmets: Tusken Raiders) (Picture only)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 19 (Databank A-Z: GA-97–Geonosis) (Picture only)
- Créatures et peuples de la galaxie (Picture only)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 58 (Databank A-Z: Tusken Raiders–Captain Typho) (Picture only)
"C-3PO" — Star Wars Encyclopedia (Indirect mention only)
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