
Stargate SG-1: Unsichtbare Feinde, translated as Stargate SG-1: Invisible Enemies, is the fifth in a line of Stargate SG-1 novels which are only available in German.

Publishers Summary[]


Colonel O'Neill und seine Begleiter von SG-1 entdecken, dass alle Bewohner einer fremden Welt durch eine außerirdische Bio-Waffe getötet wurden. Verantwortlich dafür ist eine insektoide Alien-Rasse, die tür das menschliche Auge unsichtbar ist. Nur ein kleines Mädchen hat den Angriff überlebt. Schon bald jedoch stellt sich heraus, dass Cassandra ein schreckliches Geheimnis birgt. Einige der unsichtbaren Aliens sind bereits in die StarGate-Basis gelangt, und das Mädchen ist der Schlüssel zu einer großangelegten Invasion der Erde.


Colonel O'Neill and his companions in SG-1 discover that all the inhabitants of a strange world were killed by an extraterrestrial bio weapon. An insectoid alien race, who are invisible to the human eye, prove to be responsible. Only a small girl survived the attack. Quite soon, however, it turns out that Cassandra has a terrible secret. Some of the invisible aliens already arrived through the Stargate, and the girl is the key to a large-scale invasion of Earth.


Site Navigation[]

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Stargate StargateRebellionStargate (Junior)RetaliationRetributionReconnaissanceResistance
Stargate SG-1 (Roc Books) Stargate SG-1 (novel)The Price You PayThe First AmendmentThe Morpheus Factor
Stargate SG-1 (Fandemonium) Trial by FireSacrifice MoonA Matter of HonorCity of the GodsThe Cost of HonorSiren SongSurvival of the FittestAlliancesRoswellRelativityThe Barque of HeavenDo No HarmHydraValhallaThe Power Behind the ThroneFour DragonsSunriseTransitionsOceans of DustHeart's DesireThe DriftMoebius SquaredOuroborosTwo RoadsHostile GroundPermafrostMurder at the SGCExileKali's WrathHall of the Two TruthsInsurrectionBehind Enemy LinesFemale of the SpeciesInfiltration
Stargate Atlantis RisingReliquaryThe ChosenHalcyonExogenesisEntanglementCasualties of WarBlood TiesMirror MirrorNightfallAngelusDead EndHunt and RunDeath GameBrimstoneHomecomingThe LostAllegianceThe FuriesSecretsInheritorsUnascendedThe Third PathLost QueenThe Wild BlueFrom the DepthsPride of the Genii
SG-1 / Atlantis Anthologies Far HorizonsPoints of OriginHomeworlds
Stargate Universe Air
Foreign Language Das BündnisDer Feind meines FeindesJagd ins UngewisseKinder der GötterKreuzwege der ZeitLe Marteau de ThorLes RéfugiésTödlicher VerratUnsichtbare Feinde
Unpublished My Enemy's EnemyShadows of the HeartMysteries of EmergePortals of DiscoveryThe Internal DarknessConsequencesTricksterThe Many and the FewShapeshifter
Novel series Stargate Atlantis: LegacyStargate SG-1: ApocalypseTravelers' Tales
Publishers FandemoniumRoc BooksBurgschmiet VerlagJ'ai LuPenguin