The SG-1/Atlantis/Universe canon refers to the Stargate universe depicted in Stargate SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis and Stargate Universe and the universe that this wiki is dedicated to. This universe is based on the one depicted in the Stargate film, but there are some differences. However, it is clear that the events depicted in the film did occur in the SG-1/Atlantis/Universe universe and elements of the film are considered canon so long as they aren't directly contradicted by the series.
There are many novels, comics, role playing games and other works set in this universe, meaning they use the characters and elements of the Stargate universe as seen in the SG-1/Atlantis/Universe canon to create storylines. Though the role-playing books[1] and Fandemonium novels[2] have been classified as canon, the comics and ROC novels have not had an official word said either way and so it is unclear whether or not they are canon. In disputes between evidence seen on screen and information from other sources (even official ones, such as the MGM Tech Journal), the evidence on screen will always take precedence.
For further information on how to deal with canon on Stargate Wiki specifically, see our Manual of Style. For a list of canon, non-canon, and ambiguously-canon articles, see Category:Canon.
Complications within the series[]
Internal contradictions[]
There are some elements of the series that are considered to be inconsistencies and therefore not exactly canon. For example, in the scene from the Stargate SG-1 episode "Solitudes" where P4A-771 is being dialed from Stargate Command, archive footage of the dialing computer was reused, so the gate address depicted is actually that of Abydos. Since it would be impossible for Abydos and P4A-771 to have the same gate address, the address portrayed in the episode must be inaccurate, although "Solitudes" is part of the official SG-1/Atlantis/Universe canon. However these kinds of mistakes are generally considered excusable and understandable, as they mostly serve to lower production costs.
Time travel[]
- Main article: Alternate timeline
On more than one occasion, the Stargate narrative has followed characters jumping backwards in time, effectively creating a new timeline in which history has been changed by their presence. Thus, there are technically four distinct timelines in which major portions of the series take place: one from Stargate to the beginning of "Moebius, Part 1", a second from "Moebius" to "The Last Man", third from "The Last Man" to "Time", and two within "Time", with the fifth from "Time" to "Twin Destinies" making it six. The focus of this wiki is the post-"Time" timeline, as it's the setting of the ongoing series as of 2009; however, articles generally assume that this timeline is identical to the previous four, except where explicitly shown otherwise.
Similarly, Stargate: Continuum features a time-travel story that creates yet another 2 timelines, which brings the grand total of timelines to eight.
Alternate timelines created through time travel are distinct from the alternate realities accessible through a Quantum Mirror or similar technology, which exist simultaneously with one another in the same timeline.
Other Stargate universes[]
Stargate, the movie canon[]

The "strudel," as it is called by Roland Emmerich, does not exist in the series.
This is the universe depicted in the 1994 science-fiction film Stargate. Bill McCay's Stargate novels and the Entity Comics are set in this universe, but the canon status of these materials for this timeline remains unclear.
The physical appearances of many characters, notably Jack O'Neill, Catherine Langford and Louis Ferretti, are radically different in this universe, due to them being played by different actors. Other differences are listed below:
Stargate, the movie canon | ''SG-1/Atlantis/Universe'' canon |
"Jack O'Neil" | "Jack O'Neill" |
"Sha'uri" | "Sha're" |
"Feretti" | "Louis Ferretti" |
"Sarah O'Neil" | "Sara O'Neill" |
"Tyler O'Neil" | "Charlie O'Neill" |
Two Guards attempted to return through the Stargate after it was buried. They were transported into the stone, instantly fossilizing them. | If a Stargate is buried, it will not be able to activate. Even if some sort of barrier is far enough from the event horizon, the matter heading through will not be able to reintegrate, essentially "splattering" against the barrier. |
The Stargate is stored inside Creek Mountain. | The Stargate is stored inside Cheyenne Mountain. |
Dr. Daniel Jackson says he does not know who built the Great Pyramids, because they were far older than the Egyptian empire. | Dr. Daniel Jackson is called the laughing stock of the archaeological community for claiming during his lecture that aliens built the Great Pyramids. |
The blast doors that obscure the gate are in front of the window in the briefing room. | The blast doors that obscure the gate are on the outside of the window in the briefing room. |
The briefing room is a couple floors above the control room. | The briefing room is directly above the control room. |
The ramp to the Stargate consists of several sections; two sets of stairs on either side of one end of the ramp give access to the ramp, which itself bridges a large hatch, a remnant of Creek Mountain's origins as a nuclear missile silo. | The Stargate is accessed by a simple ramp, and no missile silo hatch is evident. The ceiling retracts, allowing for the Stargate to be removed and replaced. |
The symbols are engraved into the gate. | The symbols protrude from the gate. |
The top chevron is aesthetically different from the others. | All of the chevrons are identical. |
None of the chevrons glow (possibly due to the primitive dialing program). | All of the chevrons glow. |
A spinning, funnel-shaped whirlwind ("the strudel") extends from the back of the gate after it's activated. | The back of an activated gate has a flat water-like surface like the front. (However partially transparent) A notable exception is the episode "A Matter of Time," where a similar formation was created when the gate was linked to a black hole. |
Abydos is "on the other side of the known universe" and is in the Kaliem Galaxy. Seven chevrons are dialed to reach the gate in another galaxy. | Abydos is in the Milky Way and is one of the nearest planets in the gate network to Earth. Eight or nine chevrons are needed to reach a gate in another galaxy. |
Ra's species is humanoid and it is not explained how he took over the body of an Egyptian boy. | Ra's race, the Goa'uld, are snake-like parasitic creatures. |
-- | According to the series, Goa'uld motherships have shields that prevent Transportation rings from working, making it seem rather foolish for Ra to keep the shields down when he would know the guards he had sent down had been killed. Of course, this could be attributed to his Goa'uld arrogance. |
The symbols on Abydos's gate are completely different from those on Earth's. | All gates in the Milky Way use a standard set of symbols, except for the point of origin. |
Anubis and Horus are Ra's Guards with the mark of Ra visible on their arm. | At the time of the film, Anubis was presumed dead, having been killed by Goa'uld System Lord Yu 1000+BP. Heru'ur, another System Lord, is protected by the Horus Guard. Jaffa bear the mark of their god on their foreheads instead of their arm. |
The ring transporter has at least a dozen rings. | The transporter has five rings. |
While the gate is being dialed, each chevron becomes locked once the correct symbol is in place beneath that chevron. | All of the chevrons lock once the correct symbol is in place with the top chevron. |
Infinity universe[]
This is the universe depicted in Stargate Infinity, which is based on the universes depicted in Stargate and Stargate SG-1,
Differences between the SG-1/Atlantis/Universe and the Infinity universe[]
- The unstable vortex does not annihilate whatever it comes into contact with.
- The Ancients are winged, telepathic creatures.
- The Stargates only have eight chevrons.