- "I don't even know what they look like."
"Furling. Sounds cute and fuzzy to me." - ―Jonas Quinn and Jack O'Neill[src]
The Furlings are an ancient and advanced alien race in the Milky Way galaxy but remain unseen to the rest of the galaxy in the modern era, however they were once part of the Alliance of Four Great Races, along with the Ancients, Asgard, and Nox.
Little is known about them, except that they were a member of the "Alliance of Four Great Races", along with the Ancients, Asgard, and Nox. However, occasional artifacts attributed to the Furlings have been identified. Furling writing has also been found on Heliopolis along with the writings of the other great races. (SG1: "The Torment of Tantalus", "The Fifth Race")
It has also been suggested that they are a peaceful race. It was discovered that the Furlings had set up a Utopian community for themselves and other beings who wished to join them, without weapons or advanced technology. The colony was destroyed by a Goa'uld who was able to smuggle in seeds for a plant that produced a paranoia-inducing chemical, causing the inhabitants to go insane and kill each other and the Goa'uld responsible. (SG1: "Paradise Lost")
The Furlings appeared to be the mysterious race that helped seed the Madronans on their homeworld and possibly suggests that the Touchstone was Furling technology. (RPG: "Friends and Foes: Stargate Season Two")
While communicating with Carter, the aliens that disabled both the Prometheus and the George Hammond state that the Furlings know of them, and along with the Asgard, Ancients and Nox, keep them from overstepping. Carter attempts to get the alien she communicates with to confirm or deny if they are the Furlings, but the alien refuses to give an answer either way. (SG1: "Grace")(SGA: "Pleasure Cruise")

Martin Lloyd's portrayal of Furlings
Colonel Jack O'Neill has concluded that the Furlings must be cute and cuddly creatures, based solely on their name. Perhaps acting on this statement, Martin Lloyd imagined the Furlings as small furry, koala-like animals similar to the Ewoks from Star Wars, among the several ideas for his film based on Wormhole X-Treme! (SG1: "200")
Gordie Lowe has also concluded that the Furlings must be cute and cuddly creatures, based solely on the sound of their name, "Furlings. They sound cute, like Ewoks." (SG1: "Citizen Joe")

Transport portal technology.
Appearances for Furling |
In chronological order:
Behind the Scenes[]
- The writers have stated that, although we have seen Furling technology and the Furling legacy, no actual Furling has ever appeared in the show.
- According to Joseph Mallozzi, the Giant Aliens with whom Nicholas Ballard remained were not the Furlings and did not feature again as there was not a good story concept produced that would justify their return.[1]
- A Furling skeleton was made to be used in "Paradise Lost" but was later pulled and not used when filming the episode.
Warning: The following section is ambiguously canon.
- Furlings in Kathleen Ritter's Lexicon.
- Furlings on The Companion
- GateWorld's article on Furlings in The Stargate Omnipedia
Planets | Utopian moon |
Technology | Furling diary discs • Dome device • Portal dialling device • Touchstone • Transport portal |
Terms | Alliance of Four Great Races • Furling language |
Members | Ancients • Asgard • Furling • Nox • Tau'ri |
Planets | Heliopolis |
Technology | Dome device |
Terms | Universal language |