Sponge Master (ספוג מאסטר) is a SpongeBob SquarePants live award-winning tournament, played at Nickelodeon Israel, Nicktoons UK & Ireland, and Nickelodeon Poland.
The tournament was played during airings of SpongeBob episodes.
During an airing of the game, the tournament's questions appear at the right-hand side of the TV screen. The phone app is used as a buzzer and the player picks the answer number that they think is correct. If the player answered correctly, they get points.
At the Telma promotion, a game arena was added. One can unlock more games from codes that can be found in Telma corn flakes and energy bars.

The Yellow Summer logo
The game was played and aired during the 2015 Israeli Summer Vacation, named the "Yellow Summer" from July 5 to August 7, 2015. The questions appeared during SpongeBob episodes at 11am, 4:05pm, and 7:40pm.
At the Telma promotion, the tournament is played from February 13 to April 30, 2016.
The game was played and aired on weekdays from February 13 to February 24. The questions appeared during SpongeBob episodes at 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, and 3pm.
The game was played and aired on weekdays from July 24 to August 4, 2017. The questions appeared during SpongeBob episodes at 12:40pm, 1:30pm, 2:25pm, 3:10pm, 4pm, and 4:50pm.
The game returned next year from July 30 to August 10, 2018.
The game returned again in 2021 as Nickelodeon Master.
Pointing system[]
The points are given on a set of rules:
- There are two versions of questions: a regular question and a bonus question.
- Every right answer on a regular question gives 100 points to the player.
- Every right answer on a bonus question gives 500 points to the player.
- In addition, if the player answers correctly within 15 seconds or less, they get an addition of points in proportion to the type of the question, and the speed that the player answered in.
There are two kinds of winners:
- Daily winners
- The big winner
Daily winners were players who got the most points on that day. The big winner was a player who got the most points during the whole tournament.
During the Telma promotion, another kind of winner was added, a weekly winner. Weekly winners were players who got the most points that week.
In the Yellow Summer, the Daily Winners won a SpongeBob SquarePants notebook. The Big Winner won a "SpongeBob Back to School" pack including a branded schoolbag and branded notebooks with different sizes.
During the Telma promotion, the daily winners can win a T-shirt, a hat, a neck pillow, and a puzzle. The weekly winners can win a trolly suitcase, linen set, and a Telma products voucher. The big winner can win a family vacation in the Dan Panorama Eilat hotel.
UK & Ireland[]
If a player came in first place they would win one Kurio Smart Watch. If they came in second or third place they would receive a SpongeBob goody bag.
Plus the player that received the most points over the whole two weeks and entered their details on the app would be Nickelodeon's Grand Prize Winner and receive:
- 1x iPod Touch
- 1x Nintendo Wii
- 1x SpongeBob goody bag
In 2017, the Daily Winners won a SpongeBob beach towel. The Big Winner won a hoverboard.
In 2018, the Daily Winners won a SpongeBob hat. The Big Winner won an Xbox One.
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