Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

"SpongeBob's Bad Habit" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season 12. In this episode, SpongeBob can't stop biting his nails, but he also can't figure out why.



Squidward is complaining about how he hates his work, but nobody listens except SpongeBob, who prepares an order for a customer. As he is delivering it, he starts biting his nails, making everyone disgusted due to the nails getting onto them. Squidward sees this and tells him that biting nails is a bad habit.

After work, SpongeBob goes home and attempts to stop his nail-biting habit. First, he keeps his hands from his mouth as well as make his nails beautiful to do this, but he still bites his nails. SpongeBob goes for a walk to clear his head but still bites his nails. He sees Fred and starts biting his nails, scaring him off. Afterwards, he finds Mrs. Puff at Nails, where he bites her nails as well.

Eventually, he meets up with Patrick and tells him about his nail-biting issue. He brings him to Glove World! to resolve this issue, but SpongeBob starts biting the nails of a glove balloon. After getting kicked out, they call Sandy for help. First she puts a helmet on SpongeBob, but he bites his nails from behind his mouth, so she uses a pillory on his fingers. The three fall asleep after a while, but once Sandy wakes up, she realizes SpongeBob has got out and is biting her nails, making her send him to a hypnotherapist.

SpongeBob's Bad Habit 197

Squidward watching SpongeBob biting Hans' nails.

The hypnotherapist finds out that SpongeBob thinks he is Squidward and has subconsciously implanted the nail-biting habit from him, and that is why he wants to bite his nails. He then gives an order once he snaps his fingers, SpongeBob will become himself again, and his desire to bite "his" nails will disappear. He snaps his fingers and he goes back to normal. At first SpongeBob seems fine, but once it turns out that the hypnotherapist was Hans, the hypnosis seems to have backfired and SpongeBob has not completely gotten over his nail-biting habit, so instead of biting his own nails, he bites the nails of Hans. At the same time arrives Squidward due to his weekly appointment and, scared from SpongeBob biting Hans' nails, nervously bites his nails, backs away, and shuts the door, ending the episode from there.


Vincent Waller posted a censored script for an episode on his Instagram on June 22, 2018. The script read "EBOB-- --- HABIT," and it was written by Luke Brookshier.[1]

The episode was confirmed by Vincent Waller on June 29, 2019.[2]


  • Posted by and doodles drawn by Vincent Waller, written by Luke Brookshier.[1]



 ) Production music
 ) Original music
 ) SpongeBob music

  Hawaiian Misadventures B - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [Title card]
  Unease - Dick Walter [Customers making noise while they're eating at the Krusty Krab]
  Tension Bits - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield ["Ah! Another rotten day at the Krusty Krab!"]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 12E - Jeremy Wakefield [Customers go back on their duties]
  Light Conversation 1 Full Mix - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [Squidward telling SpongeBob his troubles]
  Variety Link (d) - Dick Walter ["Whoo! Number one!"]
  Light Conversation 1 Full Mix - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [SpongeBob starts biting his fingernails]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 11A - Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob gives Tom his Krabby Patty meal]
  Vibe Q Sting - Nicolas Carr ["Huh?"]
  Uh Oh Flutter-Eyed - [ProjectSAM Symphobia Colours: Animator] [Closeup of a patty with SpongeBob's fingernails]
  Bad Slide - [ProjectSAM Symphobia Colours: Animator] [Tom pushes his plate away]
  Slippery Sid - Roger Roger [Customers get disturbed by SpongeBob's fingernails around the Krusty Krab]
  Silly Bob Conversation 1 - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [Squidward tells SpongeBob to stop biting his fingernails]
  Lap Steel - Nicolas Carr [Transition to next scene]
  A Fishy Conversation - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [SpongeBob trying to avoid biting his fingernails at his house]
  Happy Links 1-5 - Paul Fenoulhet [SpongeBob painting his fingernails]
  Breathing Underwater - Nicolas Carr [Krabby Patties painted on SpongeBob's fingernails]
  Down in Davie Jones Locker - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob starts biting his fingernails again]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 28B - Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob stops biting his fingernails]
  Hgliss & Bell - Nicolas Carr ["Oh, what a great idea, Gary!"]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 11D - Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob exits his house]
  Hello Blues - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob going for a walk]
  Porous Pursuit - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob biting his toenails]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 16B - Jeremy Wakefield ["Oh, SpongeBob, are you okay?"]
  Heavenly Sanatized Choir - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob stares at Fred's fingernails]
  Footsteps of Horror - William Farran [SpongeBob biting Fred's fingernails]
  Glamour Foxtrot - Lillian Munsie [Mrs. Puff enters a nail salon]
  Eight Dramatic Bridges - Ronald Hanmer [SpongeBob biting Mrs. Puff's fingernails]
  Glamour Foxtrot - Lillian Munsie ["So, when should we schedule your next appointment?"]
  Slippery When Wet - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob thrown out of the nail salon]
  The Donut Dilema w Triangle - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob tells Patrick he can't stop biting his fingernails]
  Lap Steel - Nicolas Carr [Transition to next scene]
  Welcome to Glove World - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [At Glove World]
  Spongemonger - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob biting Glove World balloon's fingernails]
  Welcome to Glove World - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [SpongeBob and Patrick get kicked out]
  Whats This Sting - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob biting his fingernails again]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 11D - Jeremy Wakefield [Patrick calls Sandy for help]
  Elusive - Len Stevens [Sandy puts a helmet on SpongeBob to stop biting his fingernails]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 7A - Jeremy Wakefield ["SpongeBob, that's just plain wrong!"]
  The Fruitcake Vendor 2 - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [SpongeBob's hands and feet chained in a pillory]
  Grass Skirt Chase - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob biting Sandy's fingernails]
  Synopsis - Frank Harlow [At the hypnotherapist]
  Tricks and Traps - James McConnel [SpongeBob enters the doctor office]
  Lost in Limbo - Nicolas Carr [Doctor swings watch]
  Descent Into Madness - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob being hypnotized]
  Lost in Limbo - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob thinks he's Squidward]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 25D - Jeremy Wakefield ["Whoopee! Thanks, Doctor..."]
  New Vibe Hits - Nicolas Carr ["Doctor..."]
  Cool Reception - Jack Beaver [Hans is revealed to be SpongeBob's doctor]
  Sanatized w-Choir - Nicolas Carr [Closeup of Hans' fingernails]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 22B - Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob starts biting Hans' fingernails]
  Hawaiian Misadventures B - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [Ending]




  • This episode originally had the packaging number of 259a and was paired with "One Trick Sponge," but it was eventually repaired with "SpongeBob in RandomLand" as 256b.[3]
    • Coincidentally, the episode it is currently paired up with, "SpongeBob in RandomLand," originally had the number of 256b. At that, it was paired up with "The Ghost of Plankton," which now takes up 259a, the old slot for this episode.
  • The title card is similar to that of "Fear of a Krabby Patty" and "SquidBob TentaclePants," except in widescreen, is zoomed out a lot, and is much cleaner.
  • This is the last episode Andrew Overtoom worked on until season 13.
  • This episode was originally going to be titled "SpongeBob's Nasty Habit."[4]
  • "My leg!:" Fred shouting "My nails!" after SpongeBob bites them.
  • SpongeBob's shouting audio when he gets kicked out by Mrs. Puff is reused from a season 4 episode, "Have You Seen This Snail?"

Episode references[]

  • SpongeBob mimics Squidward the same way he does in "Mimic Madness."

Cultural references[]

  • The sign outside the hypnotherapy office says, "As Seen on Good Morning Bikini Bottom," a reference to the ABC talk show Good Morning America.



Her eyelashes are missing.

  • When Mrs. Puff removes the towel from her eyes, for a split second, her eyelashes are missing.
  • When Sandy says "Uh-oh, tell me he ain't doing what I think he's doing," her mouth does not open or move when she says "Uh-oh."
  • While Patrick is playing with a coloring book in the waiting room, the book's cover appears to be on the back of the book.

SpongeBob's missing eyelashes.

  • When SpongeBob tells Hans that he cannot stop biting his nails, his eyelashes are missing. His eyelashes are also missing throughout his entire hypnotherapy session, but return to normal once he wakes up from hypnosis.


Names in other languages[]

Language Name Meaning
German SpongeBobs schlechte Angewohnheit SpongeBob's Bad Habit
Russian Вредная привычка Губки Боба
Vrednaya privychka Gubki Boba
SpongeBob's Bad Habit
Spanish La mala costumbre de Bob Esponja SpongeBob's Bad Habit

