This category contains a list of episodes from season 12 of SpongeBob SquarePants. For a better-formatted list of episodes from this season, see Season 12.
Trending pages
SpongeBob's Big Birthday Blowout -
SpongeBob in RandomLand -
Mind the Gap -
Kwarantined Krab -
Who R Zoo? -
Shell Games -
Senior Discount -
Boss for a Day
All items (55)
- Sandy's Nutty Nieces
- Senior Discount
- Shell Games
- SpongeBob Appreciation Day: Patchy's Beach Bash!
- SpongeBob in RandomLand
- SpongeBob's Bad Habit
- SpongeBob's Big Birthday Blowout
- SpongeBob's Spookiest Scenes Countdown Special
- Squid's on a Bus
- Stormy Weather
- Swamp Mates