"Paradise Isle," also known as "Mamae," "Honolulu Salute," and "Kaili Aloha," was composed by Jan Rap. The track is associated with feelings of guilt and sadness in the series. An ukulele and guitar play throughout with vocals from one or more accompanying singers.
- 19a. "Fools in April" - Squidward apologizes to SpongeBob.
- 29b. "Dumped" - SpongeBob really misses Gary.
- 32b. "The Smoking Peanut" - "All I did was throw a peanut."
- 34a. "Welcome to the Chum Bucket" - "I can't take it anymore."
- 35a. "The Secret Box" - Patrick cries.
- 56b. "I Had an Accident" - "No, Patrick's right, Sandy."