Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
If you were looking for the article about the location, then see Bikini Bottom Triangle.

"Welcome to the Bikini Bottom Triangle" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season 7. In this episode, SpongeBob and his pals get trapped in the Bikini Bottom Triangle.



Welcome to the Bikini Bottom Triangle 062

The episode begins on one night in Bikini Bottom, a mysterious fog appears and the voices of mermaids are heard singing. That morning, SpongeBob realizes his alarm clock, Gary's shell, Squidward's clarinet, Patrick's cuff links, and Mr. Krabs are missing. SpongeBob was glad that the Krusty Krab was still standing. While investigating to find Mr. Krabs at the Krusty Krab, a customer named Charles tells them about the Bikini Bottom Triangle, later on SpongeBob and Squidward are sucked into the triangle. They find Mr. Krabs, who tells them that he loves all the piles of "resellable stuff." He realizes that Pearl is left alone at the Krusty Krab with all his money, but she and Patrick get transported to the triangle too in order to find Mr. Krabs.

Welcome to the Bikini Bottom Triangle 114

Patrick and the Mermaids.

Pearl and Squidward relax, Mr. Krabs looks for change, and SpongeBob and Patrick look for the mermaids. The mermaid quintet only knows how to "surround themselves with cool new stuff" whenever they feel like. They call SpongeBob's dilemma "TNOP," which stands for "totally not our problem." SpongeBob tries to leave with Patrick but the latter is love-struck and decides to stay with the ladies.

SpongeBob, leaves and quickly says he was unable to get information upon return. He simply collapses and is declared dead. Mr. Krabs discovers that SpongeBob has a noticeable case of Bikini Bottom Triangle disease, a very rare and deadly sickness only for citizens of Bikini Bottom who visit the Bikini Bottom Triangle, and quickly discovers an antidote to Bikini Bottom Triangle disease, which is a Krabby Patty. He finds one close by and feeds it to SpongeBob, who is immediately cured from his Bikini Bottom Triangle disease. He then wonders who makes that Krabby Patty. Suspecting that Plankton might have stolen the formula, Mr. Krabs, SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward, and Pearl, worried that they will catch Bikini Bottom Triangle disease, intend on getting back to the Krusty Krab as soon as possible.

The whole group goes to the mermaids, but they are again refusing to help. Not bothered, Pearl tells her father that she wants to go to the mall, as the confused mermaids questioned this concept. Pearl explains to them what a mall is and the amazed mermaids want to go too. Once Mr. Krabs remarks on this, SpongeBob has an idea and hypothesizes that if the mermaids sing their song backwards, it will also reverse the effects of the vacuum. With this, the mermaids begin to sing backwards and this causes everyone to get sucked back to Bikini Bottom along with the items. Pearl and her new mermaid friends run to the mall while everyone else looks into the pile to find all of their missing things.

While everyone is reclaiming their property, Mr. Krabs wants to see whether Plankton is actually trying to steal the formula again. He instead finds the old sailor fish Charles who SpongeBob met earlier, cooking the Patties on the grill. It is revealed he decided to help out the restaurant while the staff were gone and has caught Plankton in a jar as he was trying to steal the formula himself. Discovering that Charles is the one who made the Krabby Patty for SpongeBob and saved his life, Mr. Krabs is relieved to know that his recipe was safe and sound. Patrick then finds his missing cuff links and puts it on his tuxedo. He leaves out and says to the driver "Home, Reginald" and then steps inside the limo and drives off. SpongeBob tells Patrick he dropped his cummerbund, as the episode ends.


Around January 2010, Vincent Waller rough sketched press art for the Legends special episodes, including one for "Welcome to the Bikini Bottom Triangle," although unlike the rest, it never made it past the "super rough" stage.[3]

Waller posted a drawing of Charles on his "Welcome to Incoherent-Thought" blog on January 27, 2010.[4]

This episode was added to the United States Copyright Catalog on August 23, 2010, alongside the other 5 episodes from the SpongeBob's Legends of Bikini Bottom event.[5] It was confirmed on October 22, 2010.[6]


Character design[]

  • Drawn by Vincent Waller.[4]

Press art[]

Model sheets[]


Production notes[]

  • Kris Wimberly stated that "the backgrounds were a pain in this particular episode because they played an integral part to the storyline and had to be treated as such." This "meant [he] spent quite a bit of time planning and rendering out the backgrounds."[8]


 ) Production music
 ) Original music
 ) SpongeBob music

  Out of the Crypt [#1] - Harry Lubin [Title card]
  Five Divas Singing - Nicolas Carr [Opening]
  Lap Steel - Nicolas Carr [the next morning]
  New Vibe Hits - Nicolas Carr ["Hey, where's my alarm clock?"]
  Dramatic Bridge 1 - Phil Green [Gary's shell missing]
  Jovial Pirate's Jig - Michael Bolger, Nicolas Carr [at the Krusty Krab]
  Military Snare Drum - Nicolas Carr ["Reporting for duty, Mr. Krabs."]
  New Vibe Hits - Nicolas Carr [Krabs' office is empty]
  Tip Toe Jig 2 - Michael Bolger, Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob looking for Mr. Krabs]
  The Great White - Gregor F. Narholz [sea captain talks about Bikini Bottom Triangle]
  Five Divas Singing - Nicolas Carr [Mermaids' song]
  Drama Link (G) - Hubert Clifford [SpongeBob and Squidward scream as they ascend]
  Steel Licks 70 - Jeremy Wakefield [Squidward in a gumball machine]
  Steel Licks 46 - Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob eating gumball]
  The Great White (D) - Gregor F. Narholz [SpongeBob and Squidward in the Bikini Bottom Triangle]
  Blue Tide - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield ["Mr. Krabs is gone."]
  Hawaiian Beauty - Lionel Wendling [Krabs being massaged]
  Befuddled Gent - Phil Green [Krabs explains]
  Five Divas Singing - Nicolas Carr [Mermaids' song again]
  From The Dead - Ronald Hanmer [Avalanche of stuff]
  Steel Licks 35 - Jeremy Wakefield ["Patrick!"]
  Woe is Me! - Richard Myhill ["Oh, me sweet little girl, all alone..."]
  Lovely Scenery C - Mladen Franko ["...with me cash register!"]
  Tipsy Turvy - Phil Green ["Get me out of this trash heap!"]
  Marvellous Singers - Marc Durst [mermaids revealed]
  Five Divas Singing - Nicolas Carr [Mermaids start to sing]
  Light Conversation 1 Full Mix - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony ["Um, can I help you?"]
  Bell Tree Gliss - Nicolas Carr ["Aha!"]
  Harpsichord Classical Bits 1 - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony ["Little one? How dare you, sir."]
  Hawaiian Cocktail - Richard Myhill [SpongeBob gets Bikini Bottom Triangle disease]
  Harpsichord Classical Bits 1 - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [Dime falls into Krabs' pants]
  Hawaiian Cocktail - Richard Myhill ["SpongeBob? SpongeBob, boy-o! SpongeBob, can you hear me?"]
  Dramatic Impact (5) - Ivor Slaney ["Your Krabby Patty meter's on empty!"]
  Five Divas Singing - Nicolas Carr [Mermaids' song again]
  Another New Idea Harp Ding - Nicolas Carr ["...Krabby Patty!"]
  Birth of the Krabby Patty - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob is cured from his Bikini Bottom Triangle disease]
  Tension Bits - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield ["Wait a minute, I didn't make that Krabby Patty!"]
  New Vibe Hits - Nicolas Carr ["So... how do we get out of here?"]
  Daily Chores Jig - Michael Bolger, Nicolas Carr ["Well, I think you don't know how to talk to the ladies."]
  Steel Licks 78 - Jeremy Wakefield ["So there's really no way out of this place?"]
  Befuddled Gent - Phil Green [Pearl explains what a mall is]
  Five Divas Singing - Nicolas Carr [Mermaids' song backwards]
  Grass Skirt Chase - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [vacuum reversed]
  Magic Potion 1 [#95] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [Pearl and mermaids go to the mall]
  Hawaiian Party - Peter Dennis ["Hello, miserable life, I'm back."]
  Attack - Anthony Hymas [Krabs goes into the kitchen]
  Salty Krab Jig - Michael Bolger, Nicolas Carr [sea captain cooking patties]
  Bell Tree Gliss - Nicolas Carr [Shot of cuff links]
  Starlight Revue - Alan Braden [Patrick finds his cufflinks]



Patchy's Dispatchy - Mermaids

Patchy's story.

  • To promote the premiere of this episode, the Nickelodeon website featured a story from Patchy about Rrarrg. Viewers could ask Patchy questions on the former Nick.com message boards.




Dub facts[]

  • In the Turkish dub, TNOP (Totally Not Our Problem) is BHAE (Bizi Hiç Alâkadar Etmez), which translates to "It Does Not Concern Us At All."

Episode references[]

Cultural references[]

  • The Bikini Bottom Triangle is a spoof of the Bermuda Triangle, which was, ironically, the original title, likely implying it was in the episode at some point during production.


  • When Pearl is working at the Krusty Krab, Patrick can be heard saying, "Has anyone seen my cuff links?!" in the background but he is not seen.
  • Charles says, "And poof! Your cuff links are gone. Never to return!" to SpongeBob, instead of to Patrick.
  • After SpongeBob finds Mr. Krabs, they go to the vacuum.
    • Before the things come out, Mr. Krabs has only a towel on. When he pops out of the things, he has clothes on.
Welcome to the Bikini Bottom Triangle 088

The cash register is literally right behind Patrick on the right side.

  • When Mr. Krabs was worried about Pearl being alone with his cash register, it can be seen right next to him and Patrick.
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Mr. Krabs' red sleeve.

  • When Mr. Krabs says, "So it must have been that rotten pipsqueak, Plankton," his left sleeve turns red for a split second.
  • When Mr. Krabs says that SpongeBob can't communicate with women, Pearl and Squidward appear behind him, but for some reason, they are not there in the next shot.
  • SpongeBob forgot to look for Gary's shell and his alarm clock.
    • Squidward also forgot to look for his clarinet, too.


Names in other languages[]

Language Name Meaning
French Le Triangle de Bikini Bottom The Bikini Bottom Triangle
German Willkommen im Bikini-Bottom-Dreieck Welcome to the Bikini Bottom Triangle
Italian Benvenuti al triangolo di Bikini Bottom Welcome to the Bikini Bottom Triangle
Russian Добро пожаловать в Бикини Боттом Треугольник
Dobro pozhalovat' v Bikini Bottom Treugol'nik
Welcome to the Bikini Bottom Triangle
Spanish Bienvenidos al Triángulo de Fondo de Bikini Welcome to the Bikini Bottom Triangle

