Mrs. Munger's Class is two seasons of brief, 90-second skits on Disney's One Saturday Morning on ABC that featured the talking heads of a middle school yearbook page. The kids in the photos would often exchange silly dialogue and insults, while Mrs. Munger would tell them to "Simmer down! Simmer! Simmer!" The camera would focus on whoever was speaking on one part of the yearbook page and quickly pan to follow the dialogue. Students would move between the pictures to interact with one another. The show was in black and white, but color was used on occasion (on field trips or to show cosmetics).
Also See[]
Mainly taking place on the page of a yearbook, a teacher attempts to educate her insubordinate students.
Sound Effects Used[]
- Earshot, Bubble Thick A (Heard once in "Chemical Reaction".)
- Earshot, Bubble Thick B (Heard once in "Field Trip".)
- Earshot, Camera Shutter E (Heard once in "Exchange Student".)
- Earshot, Chick Cluck Hit (Heard once in "Onomatopoeia".)
- Earshot, Elephant Trumpet (Heard once in "Zoo".)
- Earshot, Horse Gallop Slow 2
- Earshot, Plastic Button 1 (Heard twice in "Halloween" and "Film Strip" and once in "Makeover".)
- Earshot, Pulley Squeak Lp (Heard once in "Oral Reports".)
- Earshot, Skid Screech A and B (Used whenever the bus stops at a location.)
- Earshot, Truck By D Decel (Heard once in "Zoo".)
- Elektra Records, Mean Cat/Hollywoodedge, Angry Cat YowlingI CRT2031101/Hollywoodedge, Cat Howl Gnarly Meows PE916602/Valentino Mean Cat (Heard once in a high pitch in the pilot.)
- Hollywoodedge, Air Drill Short LongS PE195401 (Heard once in "Makeover".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bird Hawk Single Call PE021001 (Heard twice in "Class Pet".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bird Seagull Four Sin PE021601 (Heard once in "Gerald the Gerbil".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bottle Rocket 2 Picco PE098501 (Heard once in "Bake Sale".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bounce Jews Harp CRT015802 (Heard once in "Zoo".)
- Hollywoodedge, Cat Purring Very Clos PE022701 (Heard once in "Career Day".)
- Hollywoodedge, Cats Fighting Loud Sc PE917007/Hollywoodedge, Cats Two Angry YowlsD PE022601 (2nd yowl; heard once in "Bake Sale" and 6th yowl; heard once in the pilot.)
- Hollywoodedge, Children Sml Grp Yell PE954901/Hollywoodedge, Small Group Kids Chee PE142801 (Heard once at the end of "Substitute Teacher".)
- Hollywoodedge, Cow Moos Three TimesC PE022901 (Heard once in "Field Trip" and "The Zoo".)
- Hollywoodedge, Crash Metal Shatter PE110201 (Heard once in the pilot.)
- Hollywoodedge, Crash Metal Shatter PE110401 (Heard once in the pilot.)
- Hollywoodedge, Crickets 1 BT020401/Hollywoodedge, Night Ambience Light PE011701 (Heard once in the pilot.)
- Hollywoodedge, Drip Single Falls Liq PE041201 (Heard once in "Origami" and "Girls' Room".)
- Hollywoodedge, Drip Single Falls Liq PE041301 (Heard once in "Origami".)
- Hollywoodedge, Drip Single Falls Liq PE041401 (Heard once in "Origami" and "Girls' Room".)
- Hollywoodedge, Drip Single Falls Liq PE041501 (Heard thrice in "Origami".)
- Hollywoodedge, Drip Single Falls Liq PE041601 (Heard once in "Origami".)
- Hollywoodedge, Drip Single Falls Liq PE041701 (Heard once in "Origami".)
- Hollywoodedge, Elevator Bell DingsL PE192801 (Heard once in "Tallest Building".)
- Hollywoodedge, Fanfare Ta Da CRT044001 (Heard once in the pilot.)
- Hollywoodedge, Funny Engine Steady CRT034801 (Heard once in "Wild Blue Yonder".)
- Hollywoodedge, Funny Engine Steady CRT034902 (Heard once in "Wild Blue Yonder".)
- Hollywoodedge, Goat Baas Close Persp PE025101 (Heard once in "Bake Sale".)
- Hollywoodedge, Gusts Heavy Cold Wind PE031601 (Heard once in a high pitch in "Wild Blue Yonder".)
- Hollywoodedge, Heavy Chain Clanks CRT039901 (Heard once in "Simmer Minute".)
- Hollywoodedge, Hub Cap Falls On Aspha PE077701 (Heard once in the pilot.)
- Hollywoodedge, Large Ceramic Pot Bre TE023001/Hollywoodedge, Pottery Drop Break PE112401 (Heard once in "Simmer Minute".)
- Hollywoodedge, Med Ascen Gliss Gloc CRT015202 (Heard thrice in a high pitch in "Makeover".)
- Hollywoodedge, Medium Ascen Gliss CRT015201 (Heard once in "Art Museum", "Exchange Student" and "First Snow".)
- Hollywoodedge, Multiple Swishes CRT054001 (Heard once in "First Snow".)
- Hollywoodedge, Punch Body Hit 5 Thud PE101201 (Heard twice in "First Snow".)
- Hollywoodedge, Rapid Whirling Ratc CRT058301 (Heard once in "Creative Movement".)
- Hollywoodedge, School Bell Short Rin PE193101 (Used in earlier episodes.)
- Hollywoodedge, Several Rapid Swish CRT054101 (Heard once in a high pitch in "Creative Movement".)
- Hollywoodedge, Screams 1 Woman Singl PE133501 (Heard once in "Simmer Minute".)
- Hollywoodedge, Screams 5 Woman Short PE133901 (Heard once in "Simmer Minute".)
- Hollywoodedge, Screams 6 Woman Panic PE134001 (Heard once in "Simmer Minute".)
- Hollywoodedge, Short Smack Stretch CRT049902 (Heard once in "Simmer Minute".)
- Hollywoodedge, Sm Heavy Metal Door Sl PE185001 (Heard once in "Gerald the Gerbil".)
- Hollywoodedge, Swish 9 Single PE116801 (Heard once in "Word Problem", "Origami" and "Bake Sale".)
- Hollywoodedge, Swish 11 Double Swish PE117001 (Heard once in "Origami".)
- Hollywoodedge, Swish 12 Single PE117101 (Heard once in "Word Problem", "Origami" and "Bake Sale".)
- Hollywoodedge, Swish 15 Single PE117401 (Heard once in "Bake Sale".)
- Hollywoodedge, Swish 30 Single PE118901 (Heard once in "The Curve".)
- Hollywoodedge, Synth Radio 2 TuningS PE202101 (Heard once in "Simmer Minute".)
- Hollywoodedge, Telephone Rings Bell PE170801 (Heard once in "Exchange Student".)
- Hollywoodedge, Wet Splats Various CRT052101 (Heard once in "First Snow".)
- Hollywoodedge, Wood Door OC Bounce PE180501 (Heard once in "Girls' Room".)
- Sound Ideas, BODYFALL - BODYFALL ON DIRT, HUMAN 01 (Heard once in "Creative Movement".)
- Sound Ideas, BUBBLES, MUD - THICK, GLOPPY MUD BUBBLES, BOIL (Heard once in "Field Trip" and "Chemical Reaction".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, WHISTLE - REFEREE'S WHISTLE, SINGLE (Heard thrice in "Fire Drill".)
- Sound Ideas, COMPUTER, BEEP - SINGLE COMPUTER BEEP, OFFICE, ELECTRONIC 01 (Heard once in "Class Computer".)
- Sound Ideas, ELECTRICITY, SPARK - HIGH VOLTAGE SPARK, ELECTRICAL 03 (Heard once in "Rock's Song".)
- Sound Ideas, HAMMER, CARTOON - HAMMER ON WOOD, FAST (Heard once in "Makeover".)
- Sound Ideas, HORSE - INTERIOR: WHINNY, ANIMAL 01 (Heard once in "En Espagnol".)
- Sound Ideas, HUMAN, EATING - BANANA: CHEW AND SWALLOW, FOOD 01 (Heard once in "Bake Sale".)
- Sound Ideas, LAUGHTER, CHILD - BOY (Heard once in "The Curve".)
- Sound Ideas, ROBOT, MOTOR - ROBOT SERVO MOTOR 02 (Heard once in the pilot.)
- Sound Ideas, SHIP, HORN - BLAST, MARINE, BOAT 01 (Heard once in "Career Day".)
- Sound Ideas, SPLAT, CARTOON - LONG MUD POUR (Heard once in a low pitch in "Chemical Reaction".)
- Sound Ideas, SQUEAK, CARTOON - RUBBING SQUEAKS (Heard once in "Creative Movement".)