- 64 Zoo Lane (Heard once in "The Story of Kevin's Magic Trick" and "The Story of Phoebe the Koala".)
- 101 Dalmatians: The Series (Heard once in the intro, "A Christmas Cruella" and "Humanitarian of the Year".)
- Abby Hatcher
- The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius (Heard in "Maximum Hugh" and "See Jimmy Run".)
- America's Funniest Home Videos
- Andy Pandy (Heard once in a low pitch in "Hide and Seek" and in a normal pitch in "Andy Pandy's Band".)
- The Angry Beavers (Heard once in the intro and "Finger-Licking Goofs".)
- Animal Mechanicals (Heard once in a high pitch in "Mechana-Kanga Bounce Ball Island".)
- Animal Stories (Heard once in "Ralph the Rabbit", "Charlie the Cheetah" and "Carla the Koala".)
- The Backyardigans (Heard often in "Polka Palace Party".)
- Barney & Friends
- The Basil Brush Show
- Beakman's World (Heard twice in a high pitch in "Catalysts, Beakmania & Aerosal Cans".)
- Bob the Builder (1999 TV Series) (Heard thrice in "Trix and the Bug".)
- The Big Comfy Couch (Heard once in "Fibberish Gibberish".)
- Bill Nye, the Science Guy
- Bobinogs (Heard twice in "We Want A Pet" and "Happy Bobibirthday".)
- Bonkers (Heard once in "Hear No Bonkers, See No Bonkers".)
- Boo!
- Boohbah (Heard once in "Big Bag".)
- The Book of Pooh (Primarily used for Tigger's bouncing.)
- Bugs Bunny Builders
- Captain Flamingo (Heard once in "Pop Goes the Milo".)
- CatDog (Heard once in "CatDogula".)
- The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! (Heard once in "The King of Swing", "Itty Bitty Water", "Play Ball", "Talents of Balance" and "Gravity Drop"; often in "You're It".)
- ChalkZone (Heard once in "Legend of the Golden Worms" and "The Crush".)
- Clifford the Big Red Dog (Heard in several episodes.)
- Clifford's Puppy Days (Heard once in "Socks & Snooze" and "Cat-tastrophe".)
- Coconut Fred's Fruit Salad Island (Heard in various pitches in "No News is Good News".)
- Codename: Kids Next Door (Heard often in high and low pitches in "Operation: M.O.V.I.E.".)
- Crashbox (Heard once in "Distraction News: Tornadoes".)
- Cyberchase (Heard once in a high pitch in "Of All the Luck".)
- Danny & Daddy Duet (Heard once in the 1st and 2nd intros, as well as Danny's footsteps in the earlier episodes.)
- Detention (Heard once in "The Blame Game".)
- Dino Babies (Heard thrice in "When Dinos Soar".)
- The Dog and Cat News
- Doodlebops Rockin' Road Show (Heard often in "Follow That Iguana!".)
- Dora the Explorer (Heard once in a high pitch in "El Coqui" and the ending credits of "Boots' Cuddly Dinosaur" and "Daisy, La QuinceaƱera".)
- Doug (Heard once in "Doug Tips the Scales".)
- Droopy, Master Detective (Heard once in "Droopy and the Case of the Missing Dragon".)
- Eena Meena Deeka (Heard once in "Chhotamatic".)
- Engie Benjy (Heard once in "Jollop Alone", "New Shoes for Spaceship", "Gobstoppers", "Snow Fun", "Skyball", "Bus for a Day", "Traffic Trouble", "Share and Share Alike" and "Snow Daze".)
- Everybody Still Hates Chris
- Farzzle's World (Heard once in "Bike".)
- Fish Hooks (Heard once in "Underwater Boy".)
- Franny's Feet (Heard once in "Sound Advice".)
- Funpak
- Gaither's Pond
- Gerald McBoing Boing (2005) (Heard once in a high pitch in "Art, Glass and the Deep, Dark Jungle".)
- Get Ace (Heard once in "Monkey Madness".)
- Go, Diego, Go! (Heard once in "Rainforest Race".)
- Gravity Falls
- Grizzly Tales: Cautionary Tales for Lovers of Squeam! (Heard in a low pitch in "The Ugly Prince".)
- Higglytown Heroes (Heard once in "Green in the Gills", "Havin' a Ball", "Kip Joins the Circus", "Baby Boom", "Two Bees or Not Two Bees", "Wait for Me", "A Slippery Situation", "Big Night Out" and "Higglies on Horseback".)
- The Hoobs (Heard once in "Cakes", "Hoobyhics", "Juiciest Fruit" and "Hooby-Grow-in-a-Day Tree".)
- Hoop Dogz (Heard once in "Stealing's Uncool!" and "A Promise is a Promise".)
- Horrid Henry (Heard once in "Horrid Henry's School Fair" and "Horrid Henry's Diary".)
- iCarly (Heard once in "iBust a Thief".)
- Inspector Gadget (2015 TV Series)
- James the Cat (Used for Frieda the Kangaroo's bouncing in the 1998 series, especially in the intro.)
- Jim Henson's Animal Jam (Heard once in "The Parade" and "Battle of the Animal Jam Bands".)
- Johnny Test
- JoJo's Circus
- Julius Jr. (Heard once in "Clancy's Sniffles", "Shadow Play", and "Bouncy Beans".)
- Jungle Cubs (Heard once in "Bare Necessities".)
- KaBlam! (Heard once in "Won't Crack or Peel".)
- Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil (Heard once in "Those Who Camp, Do".)
- Kipper
- Let's Go Luna! (Heard once in "You Can't MOVE the Moon!".)
- The Lingo Show (Heard once in "Jaadoo's Obstacle Spectacle".)
- Little Bill (Heard once in "Wabbit Worries", "Wabbit Babies", "Little Bill's Adventure with Captain Brainstorm", "My Friend Isabel" and "When Friends Get Mad".)
- Little Einsteins (Heard 6 times in "Silly Sock Saves the Circus".)
- The Little Mermaid: The Series (Heard once in "A Tale of Two Crabs".)
- Little Robots (Heard often in "The Hiccalots".)
- Looney Tunes Cartoons (2020) (Heard in "Overdue Duck", "Kitty Livin", "High Speed Hare" and "Pigture Perfect".)
- The Loud House (Heard once in "For Bros About to Rock".)
- MAD (Heard in "Pooh Grit" for Tigger bouncing.)
- Make Way for Noddy (Heard once in "Noddy's Lucky Day".)
- Maximum Exposure (Heard in "That's Gotta Hurt!".)
- Max & Ruby (Heard once in "Ruby's Piano Practice".)
- Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (Heard during the "Mousekedoer" song.)
- Mickey Mouse Funhouse (Heard once in "Goldfish Goofy!".)
- Miss BG (Heard once in "Miss BG Goes to the Movies".)
- Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends (Heard once in "A Cloudy Day in Sunny Patch".)
- Monster Clubhouse
- Mopatop's Shop (Heard once in "Hop for the Shop".)
- Morph (Heard once in a high pitch in "Silver Disc Shooting".)
- Mister Maker
- The Mr. Men Show (Heard once in "Fish", "Birthday" and "Bath and Bubbles".)
- Mrs. Munger's Class (Heard once in "Zoo".)
- My Big Big Friend (Heard once in "Brickle Pickle!".)
- My Friend Rabbit (Heavily used for Rabbit's jumping.)
- My Life as a Teenage Robot (Heard once in "Pest Control", "Speak No Evil" and "I Was a Preschool Dropout".)
- New Looney Tunes/Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production
- Norman Normal (TV Series) (Heard once in "Man of the People".)
- Ozie Boo! (Heard once in "Love".)
- Packages from Planet X (Heard once in a high pitch in "Monkey Business" and in a normal pitch in "Party Out of Bounds".)
- Pakdam Pakdai (Heard once in "Yogi Don".)
- PB&J Otter (Heard twice in "Gotcha!" and once in "Three's a Crowd" and "Munchy's No Big Deal".)
- Pingu (Heard once in "Pingu and the Rubberband Plane" and "Pingu Makes a Big Splash".)
- The Pink Panther (1993 TV Series)
- Pinky Dinky Doo (Heard in a variety of episodes.)
- Pocket Dragon Adventures (Heard once in "A REALLY Bad Hair Day!".)
- Preston Pig (Heard once in "Ham of the Match".)
- Puppy Dog Pals (Heard once in "Coral Clean-up".)
- Rated A for Awesome (Heard once in "Used Tissue of Doom".)
- Roary the Racing Car (Heard once in "Roary Goes Back to School".)
- Rocko's Modern Life (Heard once in "Trash O'Madness" and "Power Trip".)
- Sabrina: The Animated Series (Heard once in "Driver Ed".)
- Sam & Cat (Heard once in "#BabysittingCommercial".)
- Sesame Street (Heard once in "Art Supplies on a Mission", "Dung Beetle" and "This is How I Feel".)
- Sheep in the Big City (Heard quadrice in "Belle of the Baaah" and "Can't Live Without Ewe". twice in "A Star is Shorn" and once in "15 Muttons of Fame", "Fleeced to Meet You", "My, How Ewe Have Changed!" "Beauty and the Bleats" and "Baa-hind the Scenes".)
- Sid the Science Kid (Heard once in "The Itchy Tag".)
- Sidekick (Heard once in a high pitch in "Identity Crisis", "The Bogey Man", and "Sleepless in Splittsboro".)
- SpongeBob SquarePants (Heard in "Boating School", "Sleepy Time", "Dumped" [elongated], "Selling Out", and "The Pink Purloiner".)
- Stanley (Heard once in "Daddy Pride", "Frog Legs", "Tiger Hunt", "Busy, Busy Octopus", "A Whale of a Song", "Tyrannosaurus Wrecks", "Penguin Party", "You've Got Pigeon Mail", "Caterpillar Countdown", "Sea Lion Slip-Up", "The Color of Stanley", "Ant Picnic", "A Billy Goat for Dad", "Woodpecker Woes", "Proud as a Peacock", "Hummingbird Humdinger", "Double-Duty Dad" and "Super Squirrel".)
- Strawberry Shortcake
- Super Why! (Used often for the Frog Prince bouncing in "The Frog Prince" and once in "Tiddalick the Frog" and "Alice in Wonderland".)
- Takalani Sesame (Heard once in "Train Game (English)".)
- Tea Town Teddy Bears
- Teen Titans Go! (Heard in "Tower Power" in normal pitch and "Truth, Justice and What?" in a low pitch.)
- Teletubbies
- Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go (Often used for Bruno when he bounces.)
- Tickety Toc (Heard once in "Camping Time".)
- Timon & Pumbaa (Heard once in "Okay Bayou?".)
- Tiny Planets (Heard once in "Sweet Temptations", "Moving and Grooving", "Flockercise" and "Patterns on Parade".)
- The Tom and Jerry Show (normal and various pitched edits (i.e. "Out with the Old"].)
- Tweenies (Heard once in "Spider", "Ballet", "Birthday", "Noise and Quiet", "Growing Bulbs", "Meadow" and "Zoo".)
- VeggieTales (Heard once in "The Toy That Saved Christmas".)
- Viva PiƱata (Heard once in "The Crush", "Franklin Can't Dance" and "Pester the PiƱata".)
- William's Wish Wellingtons (Heard once in "William the Conkerer".)
- Winx Club (Heard once in S01E01.)
- Woody Woodpecker (2018 TV Series)
- WordWorld (Heard once in "Duck's First Sleepover Party" and "Shuffleword".)
- Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! (3rd boing heard in "Perfecto Party".)