Just Me and My Dad is a 1993 animated special based off the Little Critter book of the same name by Mercer Mayer, produced by Mercer Mayer and Perennial Pictures, distributed on home video by Golden Book Video.
Little Critter goes on a father-son camping trip in the wilderness with his dad, where Little Critter, who often has trouble listening, learns an important lesson about respecting the wild animals' home.
Sound Effects Used[]
- Hollywoodedge, Bird Peacock Calls Cl PE021401
- Hollywoodedge, Car Tire Squeal Short PE074301
- Hollywoodedge, Crash Metal Glass PE110801
- Hollywoodedge, Crash Metal Shatter PE110501
- Hollywoodedge, Giggling Two Childre PE131001/Hollywoodedge, Two Young Kids Giggle PE143501
- Hollywoodedge, Metal Impacts Hollow FS014103
- Hollywoodedge, Morning Park Birds Me PE010501
- Hollywoodedge, Pottery Drop Break PE112401
- Hollywoodedge, Small Group Kids Chee PE142801
- Hollywoodedge, Splash Water SS016901
- Hollywoodedge, Wood Crash Large PE113501
- Hollywoodedge, Wolf Vicious GrowlsS PE027201