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Money Pit - Top Tier
Background music Ordinary Pain
Home to Voldo and Yoshimitsu (SCII)

Money Pit - Top Tier (マネーピット上層部?) is a stage in Soulcalibur II. It is Voldo and Yoshimitsu's home stage.

Four versions of the stage exist, A small-sized arena with no walls, a medium arena without walls, a large arena without walls and a large arena with walls to prevent ring outs.


This deep chasm is both the storehouse and the tomb of the Italian merchant of death, Vercci. This place, built on a nameless island in the Mediterranean Sea, is renowned to grave robbers as the Money Pit. Countless booby-traps--including a water trap based on the tides--line the pit, but the most feared deterrent is the enigmatic guardian that awaits within. None who have sought the treasures have ever returned.

This platform is the top level of the Money Pit, located near the entrance opening. But grave robbers must be wary, for one missed step means certain death down the chasm. They may get to the treasure at the bottom, but it is meaningless if they are dead.


  • It was one of the new stages added in the home console versions of Soulcalibur II.
  • The stage is based off that of a spider's web; not only is the ring itself shaped like one, but right in the middle of the stage is an image of a spider.


See Also[]

Soulcalibur II
Soulcalibur II (HD Online)The Art of Soulcalibur IIUnlockablesSoulcalibur II Original SoundtrackWeapon Master
AssassinAstarothBerserkerCassandraCervantesCharadeHeihachiInfernoIvyKilikLinkLizardmanMaxiMitsurugiNightmareNecridRaphaelSeong Mi-naSiegfriedSophitiaSpawnTakiTalimVoldoXianghuaYoshimitsuYun-seong
ChaosEgyptian CryptEgyptian RuinsEurydice Shrine GalleryHwangseo Palace - Phoenix CourtImperial Capital AyutthayaKaminoi Castle - Sakura-Dai GateLabyrinthLakeside ColiseumMoney Pit - Top TierOstrheinsburg ChapelPalgaea Shrine - Lowest LevelPirate's AlcoveSouth France Mansion - LibraryVillage of the WindXiwei Siege Ruins