Deeper – piosenka z poziomu Death Chamber w grze Sonic Adventure 2. Została wykonana przez Hunnid-P.
- This is Knuckles
- And you've reached the Death Chamber
- (Death Chamber)
- (Death Chamber)
- (Death Chamber)
- From front to back
- All I see is thorns
- I'm glad that I don't call this home
- (Death Chamber)
- (Death Chamber)
- (Death Chamber)
- A lot of trick stuff
- That makes you fall into a trap
- (Death Chamber)
- (Death Chamber)
- (Death Chamber)
- Eggman wants to steal the stones
- Keep the emeralds and build a throne
- (Death Chamber)
- (Death Chamber)
- (Death Chamber)
- Not if I can help at all
- I will not let him take it over
- Sonic, what are you doin' here?
- I heard you were on a quest to find the Master Emerald
- You know me and you don't get along
- I don't think that's the point right now, Knuckles
- I know how much the emerald means to you
- And I wanna help get it back
- Stop bein' stubborn and think
- Well I guest you're right
- Ya damn right, Knuckles
- I know Eggman's secret station's here somewhere
- All we have to do is find it
- I know we'll need a key to get inside,
- That's our only way to find it
- So let's go
Powiązania z poziomem[]
- This is Knuckles. And you've reached the Death Chamber - Gracz doszedł do poziomu Death Chamber.
- From front to back All I see is thorns - wewnątrz piramidy znajduje się dużo pochodni.
- A lot of trick stuff. That makes you fall into a trap - pułapki zastawione przez Eggmana wewnątrz piramidy.
- Eggman wants to steal the stones. Keep the emeralds and build a throne - Eggman planuje zdobyć Szmaragdy Chaosu i wykorzystać ich moc do podboju świata i wybudowania swojego imperium.
- Not if I can help at all. I will not let him take it over - Knuckles zamieerza powstrzymać Eggmana.
- Sonic, what are you doin' here? I heard you were on a quest to find the Master Emerald. You know me and you don't get along. I don't think that's the point right now, Knuckles. I know how much the emerald means to you, And I wanna help get it back. Stop bein' stubborn and think. Well I guest you're right. Ya damn right, Knuckles - rozmowa pomiędzy Soniciem i Knuckklesem, na temat Głównego Szmaragdu i wyprawy kolczatki.
- I know Eggman's secret station's here somewhere. All we have to do is find it - bohaterowie poszukują Kosmicznej Kolonii ARK, na której znajduje się baza Eggmana.
- I know we'll need a key to get inside - Knuckles poszukujący trzech kluczy, w celu wejścia do bazy Eggmana.