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Soundtrack to Your Escape

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Soundtrack to Your Escape
Studijski album:
Izdan29. marec 2004
SlogMelodic death metal
ZaložbaNuclear Blast
ProducentDaniel Bergstrand
Kronologija: In Flames
Soundtrack to Your Escape Come Clarity

Soundtrack to Your Escape je leta 2004 izdani album metal skupine In Flames in je njihov 8. studijski album. Izdan je bil pri založbi Nuclear Blast.

Pesmi na albumu

[uredi | uredi kodo]
  1. F(r)iend
  2. The Quiet Place
  3. Dead Alone
  4. Touch Of Red
  5. Like You Better Dead
  6. My Sweet Shadow
  7. Evil In A Closet
  8. In Search For I
  9. Borders And Shading >mp3
  10. Superhero Of The Computer Rage
  11. Dial 595-Escape
  12. Bottled