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The Sims 2
Hamlet Dane, Jr.
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state Ghost Ghost
Family Dane family
Parents Hamlet Dane, Sr., Gertrude Dane Both Deceased
Marital status Married
Romances Tobea Dane WifeDeceased
Children Cornwall Capp Son
Zodiac sign Aries Aries
Aspiration Popularity Popularity
Hair color TS2 Black Hair Black
Eye color TS2 Dark Blue Eyes Dark Blue
Skin color Skin-tan Tan
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2 Icon The Sims 2
Playability Deceased
Neighborhood Veronaville

Hamlet Dane, Jr. is one of the pre-made, unplayable deceased ancestral Sims who resided during his lifetime in Veronaville, one of the neighborhoods shipped with The Sims 2. He was the son of Hamlet Sr. and Gertrude, the husband of Tobea, and the father of Cornwall Capp ( Dane). He taught Cornwall how to walk and how to talk when he was a toddler. According to Cornwall's memories, Hamlet died not long after Cornwall became an adult. His wife, Tobea, died not long after Cornwall got married.

Unlike most deceased Veronaville Sims, Hamlet has personality points. He also has 11,500 aspiration points and has a Want to have a baby. There is some evidence that these oddities may be the result of Maxis having repurposed Bianca Monty’s original character file for Hamlet. Not only does he have Bianca's biography[1], but developer comments[2] state that this bio was later copied over to the playable Bianca. When exploring Veronaville relationships using SimPE, the Monty’s recognize Hamlet as a direct family member as if he were Bianca. This is not reflected in-game since he is not connected to them in the Monty’s family tree. Hamlet’s NID also strongly suggests that it originally belonged to Bianca as the Sims created before and after him are Montys.

Hamlet Jr. and his father share the name of the title character in Shakespeare's Hamlet. His name is from Hamlet's father, the king, who was also named Hamlet. A Dane or Danes is also the ethnic group and nationality native to Denmark, which Shakespeare's character Hamlet was the prince of Denmark.

W inventing career
Resurrection tip
This Sim has no character data and cannot be resurrected in-game. For more information, read this guide.


Sloppy 5 Neat
Shy 8 Outgoing
Lazy 6 Active
Serious 3 Playful
Grouchy 3 Nice

Politics Politics 0
Crime Crime 7
Food Food 5
Sports Sports 2
Work Work 9
School School 4
Money Money 10
Entertainment Entertainment 2
Health Health 2
Paranormal Paranormal 8
Weather Weather 9
Toys Toys 4
Environment Environment 5
Culture Culture 10
Fashion Fashion 3
Travel Travel 8
Animals Animals 2
Sci-Fi Sci-Fi 0

Other languages[]

Language The Sims 2
English Hamlet Dane
Brazilian Portuguese Hamlet Dinamarco
Chinese (simplified) 哈姆雷特 达恩
Chinese (traditional) 哈姆雷特 戴麥
Czech Hamlet Dánský
Danish Hamlet Danske
Dutch Hamlet Deen
European Portuguese Hamlet Dane
Finnish Hamlet Tanskanen
French Hamlet Ledanois
German Hamlet Sahne
Italian Amleto Danimarci
Japanese ハムレット デーン
Korean 햄릿 데인
Norwegian Hamlet Danskesen
Polish Hamlet Duńczyk
Spanish Hamlet Danaes
Swedish Hamlet Dansk
Thai แฮม•เล็ต เดน


  1. The English biography in N003_User00011.package is blank but variations in other languages are still intact. Translated from German: "Bianca is looking for love, but it seems she's looking in the wrong place."
  2. "The Sims 2 - Translated - Copied from N003_User011.   This file is correct in game." - Taken from Bianca's Catalogue Description in N003_User00112.package.
The Dane family
Cornwall - Hamlet, Jr. - Tobea - Hamlet, Sr. - Gertrude