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මූසා (ගණය)

විකිපීඩියා වෙතින්

Banana plants, Kanaha Beach, Maui
විද්‍යාත්මක වර්ගීකරණය e
රාජධානිය: Plantae
ක්ලේඩය: Tracheophytes
ක්ලේඩය: Angiosperms
ක්ලේඩය: Monocots
ක්ලේඩය: Commelinids
ගෝත්‍රය: Zingiberales
කුලය: Musaceae
ගණය: Musa
Type species
Musa acuminata

Around 80, see text.

පද්ධතිමය සහ වර්ගීකරණය




Classical Latin briefly had a name for bananas, namely ariena, used by Pliny the Elder (Natural History, XII.12). According to Alexander von Humboldt,[1] that term may have been a borrowing from Sanskrit varana[පැහැදීම ඇවැසිය] via Greek rendition ouarana[පැහැදීම ඇවැසිය], following the Indian campaign of Alexander the Great.

Due to the rarity of bananas in the Late Antiquity and early Middle Ages, the term ariena faded out of use. During the late Middle Ages, international trade brought bananas to Europe, which created the need for a name. In the සැකිල්ල:Century, Medieval Latin innovated a term musa: this was most likely[Note 1] the latinization of the Arabic name for the fruit, mauz (موز). Thus, the 11th-century Arabic encyclopedia The Canon of Medicine, which was translated to Latin in medieval times and well known in Europe, shows a correspondence between Arabic mauz and Latin musa.[Note 2] Muz is also the Turkish, Persian, and Somali name for the fruit.

According to linguist Mark Donohue and archaeologist Tim Denham, the ultimate origin of the Latinized form musa is in the Trans–New Guinea languages, where certain cultivars of bananas are known under a form *muku.[2] From there, the term was borrowed into the Austronesian languages of the area, and migrated across Asia, via the Dravidian languages of India, into Persian, Greek, and Arabic as a Wanderwort:[3][4]

Possible transmission of musa from New Guinea to Latin
Trans-New Guinea Austronesian Dravidian Indic Persian Arabic Greek Latin
#mugu #mugu > muku > muසැකිල්ල:Hamzau mōttai/mōte mocā mōč⁠ mawz/mawza mozā musa

The late Latin term musa was later chosen by Carl Linnaeus in 1753, as the name for the genus.[5]

From the time of Linnaeus until the 1940s, different types of edible bananas and plantains were given Linnaean binomial names, such as Musa cavendishii, as if they were species. In fact, edible bananas have an extremely complicated origin involving hybridization, mutation, and finally selection by humans. Most edible bananas are seedless (parthenocarpic), hence sterile, so they are propagated vegetatively. The giving of species names to what are actually very complex, largely asexual, hybrids (mostly of two species of wild bananas, Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana) led to endless confusion in banana botany. In the 1940s and 1950s, it became clear to botanists that the cultivated bananas and plantains could not usefully be assigned Linnean binomials, but were better given cultivar names.[තහවුරු කර නොමැත]

Serving food on a banana leaf is a popular tradition in certain parts of India, Sri Lanka, and parts of Southeast Asia.

As for the word banana, it came to English from Spanish and Portuguese, which had apparently obtained it from a West African language, possibly Wolof (Senegal).[6] The Wolof form might itself be a loanword from Arabic banān mawz (<banān 'finger').[තහවුරු කර නොමැත]

Musa sections have a history dating back to 1887, when M.P. Sagot published "Sur le genre Bananier", where the genus Musa was first formally classified.[7] In this article, Sagot arranged the Musa species into three groups, although no section names were assigned to them. The grouping was based on morphological traits, establishing the trio as bananas with fleshy fruit, ornamental bananas with upright inflorescences and bracts that were vibrantly colored, and bananas that were giant in size.

Five years after Sagot's article, J.G. Baker made the first formal designation of Musa sections. To do so, he named three subgenera that almost paralleled the sections that had been described by Sagot.[8] These sections were:

  • M. subg. Physocaulis Baker – defined by a bract with many flowers, inedible fruits, and a bottle-shaped stem
  • M. subg. Rhodochlamys Baker – defined by brightly colored bracts with few flowers, usually inedible fruits, and cylindrical stems
  • M. subg. Eumusa Baker – defined by green, brown, or dull-violet bracts with many flowers, usually edible fruits, and cylindrical stems.

After this classification, in 1947, Cheeseman reclassified the taxa based on morphological features and chromosome number.[9] This project proposed four sections:

  • M. sect. Eumusa Cheesman (2n = 2x = 22)
  • M. sect. Rhodochlamys (Baker) Cheesman (2n = 2x = 22)
  • M. sect. Australimusa Cheesman (2n = 2x = 20)
  • M. sect. Callimusa Cheesman (2n = 2x = 20)

The addition of another Musa section came in 1976 by G.C.G. Ardent. The added section, M. sect. Ingentimusa, Ardent was based on a single species, Musa ingens.[10] This designation put the number of sections in Musa at five: Eumusa, Rhodochlamys, Callimusa, Australimusa, and Ingentimusa.

In the 21st century, genomics have become cheaper, more efficient, and more accurate, and Musa genetic research has increased exponentially. Research was conducted around a diversity of genomic markers (cpDNA, nrDNA, rDNA, introns, various spacers, etc.). The results of many of these studies suggested that the five sections of Musa defined by morphology (and listed above) were not monophyletic.[11][12]

Based on the incorrect section grouping, Markku Häkkinen proposed another reclassification of the Musa sections in 2013. Using a multitude of genetic evidence and markers from other studies, Häkkinen suggested the reduction of five Musa sections into two: Musa and Callimusa.[12] Unlike sectional classifications of the past, this hypothesis was based on genetic markers rather than morphological features or chromosome number. The two groups were generally formed by the clustering of the previously defined groups:

  • Musa sect. Rhotochlamys and M. sect. Eumusa  became M. sect. Musa
  • M. sect. Ingetimusa, M. sect. Callimusa and M. sect. Australimusa became M. sect. Callimusa

The advance of genomic analysis technologies and further data on the relatedness of Musa species, formulated Häkkinen's two sections and later corroborated them as correct subcategories for the genus.[13][14][15] The history of Musa sections provides an example of genomics superseding morphological evidence and thus classifications.



The World Checklist of Selected Plant Families accepts 68 species and two primary hybrids, 2013 වන විට, which are listed below.[16] The assignment to sections is based on GRIN (where this gives the species),[17] regrouped according to Wong et al.[18]

Section Callimusa (incorporating Australimusa)

Fruit stalk of Musa sp.
Banana flowers

[A] and [C] indicate known placement in the former sections Australimusa and Callimusa, respectively.[19]

Section Ingentimusa


මූසා කොටස (රොඩොක්ලැමයිස් ඇතුලත් කිරීම)

Musa acuminata with inflorescence
Japanese fiber banana (Musa basjoo) flowering at Cotswold Wildlife Park
Musa ornata 'Roxburgh' in China
Pink banana (Musa velutina) flower

Section undetermined or unknown

Varigated form of Musa sp.
Musa sp.

Formerly placed here

  1. ^ Alexander von Humboldt (1850). Views of Nature, or: Contemplations on the Sublime Phenomena of Creation. Henry G. Bohn. p. 305.
  2. ^ Denham, Tim; Donohue, Mark (2009). "Pre-Austronesian dispersal of banana cultivars West from New Guinea: Linguistic relics from Eastern Indonesia". Archaeology in Oceania. 44 (1): 18–28. doi:10.1002/j.1834-4453.2009.tb00041.x. සම්ප්‍රවේශය 5 Feb 2023.
  3. ^ Donohue, Mark; Denham, Tim (2009). "Banana (Musa spp.) domestication in the Asia-Pacific Region: Linguistic and archaeobotanical perspectives". Ethnobotany Research & Applications. 7: 293–332. doi:10.17348/era.7.0.293-332. hdl:10440/942. සම්ප්‍රවේශය 5 Feb 2023.
  4. ^ Blench, Roger (2016). "Things your classics master never told you: a borrowing from Trans New Guinea languages into Latin". Academia.edu.
  5. ^ උපුටාදැක්වීම් දෝෂය: අනීතික <ref> ටැගය; WCSP_254737 නමැති ආශ්‍රේයන් සඳහා කිසිදු පෙළක් සපයා නොතිබුණි
  6. ^ Entry Banana, at Dictionary.com.
  7. ^ Sagot, M.P. (1887). "Sur le genre Bananier". Bulletin de la Société botanique de France. 34 (7): 328–330. Bibcode:1887BSBF...34..328S. doi:10.1080/00378941.1887.10830263.
  8. ^ Baker, J.G. (1893). "A synopsis of the genera and species of Museae". Annals of Botany (Oxford). 7: 189–229.
  9. ^ Cheesman, E.E. 1947 [pub. 1948]. Classification of the bananas. II. The genus Musa L. Kew Bull. 2: 106–117.
  10. ^ Argent, G.C.G. 1976. The wild bananas of Papua New Guinea. Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 35: 77–114.
  11. ^ Wong C, Kiew R, Argent GCG, Set O, Lee SK, Gan YY. Assessment of the validity of the sections in Musa (Musaceae) using AFLP. Ann Bot-London. 2002; 90: 231–238.
  12. ^ a b Häkkinen, Markku (2013). "Reappraisal of sectional taxonomy in Musa (Musaceae)". Taxon. 62 (4): 809–813. doi:10.12705/624.3.
  13. ^ Feng, Huimin, et al. "Molecular Phylogeny of Genus Musa Determined by Simple Sequence Repeat Markers." Plant Genetic Resources, vol. 14, no. 3, 2015, pp. 192–199.,
  14. ^ Lamare, Animos; et al. (2017). "Phylogenetic Implications of the Internal Transcribed Spacers of NrDNA and Chloroplast DNA Fragments of Musa in Deciphering the Ambiguities Related to the Sectional Classification of the Genus". Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 64 (6): 1241–1251. doi:10.1007/s10722-016-0433-9. S2CID 20705065.
  15. ^ Čížková, J; Hřibová, E; Christelová, P; Van den Houwe, I; Häkkinen, M; et al. (2015). "Molecular and Cytogenetic Characterization of Wild Musa Species". PLOS ONE. 10 (8): e0134096. Bibcode:2015PLoSO..1034096C. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0134096. PMC 4529165. PMID 26252482.
  16. ^ උපුටාදැක්වීම් දෝෂය: අනීතික <ref> ටැගය; WCSP_Musa නමැති ආශ්‍රේයන් සඳහා කිසිදු පෙළක් සපයා නොතිබුණි
  17. ^ උපුටාදැක්වීම් දෝෂය: අනීතික <ref> ටැගය; GRIN_Sp7876 නමැති ආශ්‍රේයන් සඳහා කිසිදු පෙළක් සපයා නොතිබුණි
  18. ^ උපුටාදැක්වීම් දෝෂය: අනීතික <ref> ටැගය; Wong02 නමැති ආශ්‍රේයන් සඳහා කිසිදු පෙළක් සපයා නොතිබුණි
  19. ^ උපුටාදැක්වීම් දෝෂය: අනීතික <ref> ටැගය; OGTR08 නමැති ආශ්‍රේයන් සඳහා කිසිදු පෙළක් සපයා නොතිබුණි
  20. ^ උපුටාදැක්වීම් දෝෂය: අනීතික <ref> ටැගය; WCSP_243306 නමැති ආශ්‍රේයන් සඳහා කිසිදු පෙළක් සපයා නොතිබුණි

උපුටාදැක්වීම් දෝෂය: "Note" නම් කණ්ඩායම සඳහා <ref> ටැග පැවතුණත්, ඊට අදාළ <references group="Note"/> ටැග සොයාගත නොහැකි විය.

"https://si.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=මූසා_(ගණය)&oldid=707066" වෙතින් සම්ප්‍රවේශනය කෙරිණි