Razgovor:Kneževina Moldavija
Odakle ovaj grb? Nije pronađen u mjerodavnim izvorima. Ili je to samo prefarbani ulomak grba moderne Rumunjske? --Лобачев Владимир (razgovor) 19:01, 1 maj 2021 (CEST)
- Koliko vidim, s Commonsa, gde piše da se radi o grbu Stefana III Moldavskog. --Igor Windsor (razgovor) 19:57, 1 maj 2021 (CEST)
Coat of arms from the Polish Statute of Jan Laski. 1506
Coat of arms of Iacob Heraclid. 1561
Coat of arms from the German armorial. Around 1586
The royal coat of arms of Michael the Brave. 1600 (blue shield)
Coat of arms of Moldavia from "Stemmatographia". 1702
Coat of arms of Moldavia during Grigore III Ghica's rule. 1775
Coat of arms of Moldova during the times of Alexander Mourouzis, 1806–1807 (blue shield)
Coat of arms of Moldavia under Prince Scarlat Callimachi (ca. 1812)
Seal of Moldavia in 1832, with azure tincture indicated by hatching in the original source.
Coat of arms of Mihail Sturdza. After 1834
Banner of the second battalion of the Moldavian Principality of 1849
Coat of arms from the passport of the Moldavian principality. 1855 (red-blue shield)
- Na Stefanovom pečatu boja nije naznačena. Većina povijesnih grbova kneževine imala je plavu pozadinu. --Лобачев Владимир (razgovor) 01:36, 10 maj 2021 (CEST)