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Bridget Riley

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za boksericu v. Bridgett Riley.
Bridget Riley
Op art
Biografske informacije
RođenjeBridget Louise Riley
24. 4. 1931. (1931-04-24) (dob: 93)
Norwood (London), Engleska, UK
Profesionalne informacije
ObrazovanjeGoldsmiths College, Royal College of Art
Poljeslikanje, crtanje i kiparstvo

Bridget Louise Riley CH CBE (Norwood, London, 24. april 1931 -) je engleska slikarka poznata kao jedna od vodećih ličnosti Op arta.[1] Trenutno živi i radi u Londonu, Cornwallu i Francuskoj.[2]


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  • Bridget Riley: Works 1960-1966 (London: Ridinghouse, 2012). Bridget Riley in conversation with David Sylvester (1967) and with Maurice de Sausmarez (1967).[3]
  • Bridget Riley: Complete Prints 1962-2012 (London: Ridinghouse, 2012). Essays by Lynn MacRitchie and Craig Hartley; edited by Karsten Schubert. [4]
  • The Eye’s Mind: Bridget Riley. Collected Writings 1965–1999 (London: Thames & Hudson, Serpentine Gallery and De Montfort University, 1999). Includes conversations with Alex Farquharson, Mel Gooding, Vanya Kewley, Robert Kudielka, and David Thompson. Edited by Robert Kudielka.[5]
  • Bridget Riley: Paintings from the 60s and 70s (London: Serpentine Gallery, 1999). With texts by Lisa Corrin, Robert Kudielka, and Frances Spalding.
  • Bridget Riley: Selected Paintings 1961–1999 (Düsseldorf: Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen; Ostfildern: Cantz Publishers, 1999). With texts by Michael Krajewski, Robert Kudielka, Bridget Riley, Raimund Stecker, and conversations with Ernst H. Gombrich and Michael Craig-Martin.
  • Bridget Riley: Works 1961–1998 (Kendal, Cumbria: Abbot Hall Art Gallery and Museum, 1998). A conversation with Isabel Carlisle.
  • Bridget Riley: Dialogues on Art (London: Zwemmer, 1995). Conversations with Michael Craig-Martin, Andrew Graham Dixon, Ernst H. Gombrich, Neil MacGregor, and Bryan Robertson. Edited by Robert Kudielka and with an introduction by Richard Shone.


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  1. „Tate Biography”. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2012-02-05. Pristupljeno 2012-08-16. 
  2. Bridget Riley: Reconnaissance, September 21, 2000 - June 17, 2001 Arhivirano 2011-12-05 na Wayback Machine-u Dia Art Foundation, New York.
  3. „Bridget Riley: Works 1960-1966”. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2012-11-02. Pristupljeno 2012-08-16. 
  4. „Bridget Riley: Complete Prints”. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2012-11-01. Pristupljeno 2012-08-16. 
  5. „The Eye's Mind”. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2012-11-01. Pristupljeno 2012-08-16. 

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