The Last Crash of the Sunchaser is a cartoon story written by Francisco Angones, (along with DuckTales 2017’s normal team of writers) and directed by John Aoshima. It features Scrooge McDuck, Huey, Dewey, and Louie Duck, Webby Vanderquack, Launchpad McQuack, Bentina Beakley, Duckworth and Donald Duck. Della Duck and the Buzzard Brothers also appear in flashback form.
En route to a vacation in Monacrow, Scrooge crashes the Sunchaser into a mountain peak, leaving he and his family stranded there until the plane can be fixed. Meanwhile, Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Webby attempt to reassemble shredded documents which they believe will reveal new information about the Spear of Selene and Della's disappearance. Things come to a head when Scrooge finally reveals what really happened to Della Duck, causing his family to turn on him.
- The children speak about "that crazy librarian", referencing Emily Quackfaster whom they encountered in The Great Dime Chase (2017). Dewey Duck learned the name “Spear of Selene” in that same episode, and the triplets found out its nature as a rocketship in The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck (2018).
- Whatever Happened to Della Duck? (2019) would greatly expand on the flashback to Della Duck becoming lost in the Cosmic Storm, after The Shadow War (2018) had established that she had survived on the Moon.
Behind the scenes[]
The Last Crash of the Sunchaser is the 22nd episode of DuckTales 2017, and was released on August 11, 2018.
It leads into the events of The Shadow War, and thus misses the happy ending usually exhibited by DuckTales 2017 episodes — though it is not, as such, one unit with The Shadow War.