Horror in the Highlands is a comic story written by Joey Cavalieri and drawn by Luca Usai. It takes place in the 2017 Continuum, featuring Scrooge McDuck, Huey, Webby Vanderquack, Launchpad McQuack, Flintheart Glomgold, and Mayor McGoslin in his debut.
Scrooge's plans to build a museum in Scotland are halted when he learns that all record of his Scottish heritage has inexplicably disappeared, leaving the natives to perceive him as a fraud. With Huey, Webby, and Launchpad in tow, he sets out for his homeland to prove his claims once and for all. But upon arrival, the group must face not only an unruly and doubting mob, but a monster in the nearby loch...
Behind the scenes[]
This story was first published in July of 2018 in IDW's DuckTales #11. Despite appearing on the cover, Dewey and Louie Duck do not appear in the story.