Category for locations.
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- Babylon
- Bad Manors
- Bald Rock
- Balonia
- Bananias Archipelago
- Barnyard Village
- Battlement Hill
- Bazookistan
- Bear Mountain
- Bilge Water Cave
- Black Forest
- Bottomless Lake
- Brutopia
- Bubbles' Clown College
- Bucket o'Blood Sea Food Grotto
- Burial Crypt of Famous Villains
- Butterfly Valley
- Buzzard Rock
- Cackleburg
- Cactus Point
- Caer Dallben
- Caliphate
- Calisota
- Candy House
- Cantino Argentino
- Carbine Canyon
- Castle Duckesque
- Castle MacAdam
- Castle McDuck
- Castle McDuck (2017 Continuum)
- Castle of Illusion (location)
- Catville
- Cave of Wonders
- Center of Experimental Biofloridology
- Champignac-en-Cambrousse
- Chez Pierre
- Chez Swann
- Chiapas
- Como Lake
- Concavia
- Copenhagen
- Crying Island
- Cupid Homeworld
- Cuzco
- Dali Universe
- Danger Island (location)
- Darkwarrior's Universe
- Demogorgana
- Demons' Whirlpool
- Denmark
- Diamond Universe
- Dimension )-0//zx
- Dimension 42µ
- Dimension 8696-2537
- Dimension ^6-Q
- Dimension-1579
- Discordia Homeland
- Disneyville
- Dizzy Drop Falls
- Doctor's Castle
- Donald's Boat (2017 Continuum)
- Doom Valley
- Dragonia
- Drakehete
- Drakehete History Museum
- Duck County
- Duck's Bluff
- Duckburg
- Duckburg (2017 Continuum)
- Duckburg Business School
- Duckburg City Museum
- Duckburg Gallery
- Duckburg Geography
- Duckburg Museum
- Duckburg Museum of Ancient Stuff
- Duckburg Town Hall
- Eagle's Pinky Toe Hotel
- Earth
- Earth (2017 Continuum)
- Earth (97th Cosmos)
- Earth-5556
- East Coast Bin
- Educational Institution of Ancient Civilizations
- Eiffel Tower
- Eiffel Tower (97th Cosmos)
- Elm City
- Enchanted Tiki Room (location)
- England
- Erinia
- Euclidean Plane
- Eye-Candy
- Eye-Glass
- Galveston
- Gambit System
- Glasgow
- Glomgold's Money Bin
- Glowing Caves of Swaatch
- Goat'hool
- Goat-Ham City
- Golden Moon
- Golden River
- Goofified Timeline
- Goofy for Pies
- Gooney Beach
- Goosarabia
- Goose Egg County
- Goosedown Galaxy
- Grand Duckburg Hotel
- Grandma Duck's Farm
- Great Foundries
- Greece
- Green Moon
- Guatemala
- Gulchburg
- Gumption
- Gyro's Lab
- Halfworld
- Hall of Science
- Haunted House (1985)
- Haunted Mansion
- Haunted Mansion (2017 Continuum)
- Haunted Mansion (Rain's World)
- Hazel House
- Heela City
- Hermit Planet
- Hispaniola
- Hogtown
- Hollywood (2017 Continuum)
- Honduras
- Horned King's Castle
- Hotel Transylvania (location)
- House of Mouse (location)