The Junior Detectives take on their toughest case yet...

"Jr. Detectives" is the first episode of RWBY Volume 9: Beyond. It premiered on Rooster Teeth on April 13th, 2024.


Sun Wukong and Neptune Vasilias, acting as Junior Detectives, investigate the disappearance of Team RWBY and Jaune Arc. The two act out various interrogations, with Neptune playing the roles of Lie Ren, Qrow Branwen, and Nora Valkyrie, who each have no idea of Team RWBY's whereabouts.

Sun and Neptune are about to give up, until Sun thinks of the idea to eavesdrop on Ozpin and Theodore. The two stalk Oscar Pine and when arriving at his meeting, the two see that he is not just meeting with Theodore, but also Winter Schnee and Raven Branwen, two Maidens. The two also notice a mysterious cloaked girl standing with them, and Neptune briefly wonders if she is the Summer Maiden. Before they can hear anything important, they are found out by Qrow. They try to explain, but Qrow grabs them and tosses them away into the sky.

Narrating, Sun mentions that he hopes Team RWBY and Jaune know that everyone in Vacuo hasn't given up, and hopes that they haven't given up wherever they are either.


Sun: It was storming the night the case file came in. I've never had a file turn my stomach quite like this one did. I remember it like it was yesterday.

Neptune: It was yesterday.

Sun: Dude, come on!

Neptune: I'm sorry, accuracy is important!

Sun: (clears throat) Team RWBY is missing.

Thunder crashes as on a desk, as a case file with an image of Team RWBY attached to it slides on screen, with the words "TEAM RWBY?" circled on the front.

Sun: And Jaune too, I guess.

A second case file with the words "+ Jaune" written on the side is shown underneath the first case file.

Neptune: Thankfully, no case is too difficult for...

Both: The Junior Detectives!

A logo for "The Junior Detectives" is shown with a shiny background. Sun and Neptune pose next to each other, arms crossed, with their signature sunglasses, fake mustaches, and Junior Detective badges on.

Neptune: (coughs) Excuse me.

Sun: Our first step was obvious: interrogate the suspects.

Neptune: (correcting Sun) -witnesses.

Neptune is seen in Vacuo, dressed up as Lie Ren. A text bubble points to him, stating "Pretend this is Ren."

Sun: What do you remember?! Tell us everything.

Neptune: (imitating Ren) I'm not sure what can be done, but I'm happy to cooperate and aid your investigation to the fullest extent that I'm able to.

Sun: But like always, pulling information is like pulling teeth.

Neptune: Did you not hear what I said?

Sun: (sighs) His story checks out. Next!

Neptune is now dressed up as Qrow Branwen in a different part of Vacuo. A text bubble points to him, stating "Obviously Qrow."

Neptune: (imitating Qrow) I already told you. I wasn't even there. Plus, I don't talk to cops, or whatever you two are.

Neptune is suddenly slapped by Sun.

Neptune: Ow! (drops imitation) No, it's me, remember?

Sun: Onto the next perp.

Again in a different location, Neptune is dressed as Nora Valkyrie. A text bubble points to him, stating "Why did he slap me?" with a chibi face of Neptune crying underneath.

Neptune: (imitating Nora) Ah, I told you to stop calling me a perp! Do you even know what perpetrator means?

Sun: Of course I do! And for all we know, you are the perpetrator.

Neptune: (sighs) Guys, not even Ozpin and Oscar know what happened to them. We were told not to fall and they fell. That's it.

The screen cracks and transitions to a black screen.

Sun: (narrating) We were lost. No leads.

Neptune: Leadless.

Sun can be seen gesturing at a chalkboard filled with theories about what happened to Team RWBY and where they might be. Neptune has his face held in his hands on a chair and groans.

Sun: We engaged in spirited debate, squeezing our genius brains of every last drop of detective juice.

Neptune: I'm so dry!

Sun: We almost gave up. Until...

In a dark room, a light turns on to show Sun and Neptune collapsed at a desk, covered in cans of "People Like Grapes" soda.

Sun: (burps) I've got it!

Sun stands up as Neptune looks at him.

Neptune: (laughs) Nice. Uh, (clears throat) I mean, what is it, fellow detective?

Sun: Headmasters, Professor Ozpin!

Neptune: (correcting Sun) -Oscar.

Sun: And Professor Theodore!

Sun and Neptune can be seen trying to stalk Oscar, hiding behind palm trees, inside Lockers, and behind windows as Oscar walks past them.

Neptune: (narrating) Now, sure, you could say that it makes sense that the two are meeting up a lot. They are in charge after all, but something just didn't feel right.

Sun: They kept taking lefts! Who would do such a thing?

Neptune: Using our ultimate stealth and disguise skills, we were able to follow Ozpin-

Sun: (correcting Neptune) -Oscar!

Neptune: -and eavesdrop on one of their meetings.

Sun and Neptune peek through a door in Shade Academy, as they suddenly appear shocked and their sunglasses fall down from their eyes.

Neptune: We were shocked, startled even.

Inside the room, Oscar can be seen talking with Theodore, with Winter Schnee and Raven Branwen standing behind them.

Neptune: It wasn't just Oscar and Theodore meeting up, but Winter and Raven, two Maidens. Even more interesting, a mysterious girl was there too.

Behind Winter and Raven, a cloaked girl can be seen standing hidden behind the two.

Neptune: (gasps) Could she be the Summer Maiden?

Sun: I already told you, there's no way! Besides, there's no more room on our suspects board. No more new characters, I-I mean perps.

The mysterious girl is now crossed out with red scribbles.

Neptune: But then, before we could really hear anything juicy, well, you showed up.

Qrow walks up behind Sun and Neptune as the two look over at him.

Sun: Yeah, then we told you the whole story, and now you're all caught up and why do you look so angry?

Qrow grabs the two as they gain a chibi-esque appearance, and winds his arm back to throw them.

Sun: (quickly) Oh, no. Please spare us!

Qrow throws Sun and Neptune into the sky away from Shade Academy. Both scream as they crash into the screen as it cuts to black.

Neptune: (narrating) Well, I guess the location of Team RWBY... and Jaune, is still a mystery.

Sun: I just hope they know we haven't given up. And I hope they haven't given up either.



  • This is the only RWBY Beyond episode to take place during Volume 9 instead of after.
  • This episode is a reference to a recurring skit in RWBY Chibi, where Sun and Neptune take their roles of junior detectives too seriously while wearing sunglasses and fake mustaches.
  • This is the first physical appearance of Professor Theodore.
  • The "People Like Grapes" soda, a reference to a quote by Gavin Free, appears for the first time since "Best Day Ever".

Image Gallery[]

Main article: Jr. Detectives/Image Gallery


RWBY Volume 9: Beyond