Ruby, standing by Summer's gravestone
Ruby, walking through the Cliffside Forest
A Beowolf briefly appears sprinting through the Cliffside Forest
A crow quickly swoops past, high above Ruby.
Beowolves lunging at Ruby
Ruby, firing Crescent Rose in gun form
Ruby about to slay a Beowolf
Ruby slaying an old Beowolf
Ruby, posing in front of the Moon
A dead Beowolf's body, dissolving into rose petals
Ruby, firing Crescent Rose in scythe form
Ruby, dismembering the attacking Beowolves
A large pack of Beowolves
Loading the Gravity Dust ammunition
The black muzzle flash effect of the Gravity Dust
Ruby, using the Gravity Dust's recoil to further increase her speed
Monty's hint pertaining to a hidden fact in Ruby's trailer