Ruby's fascination with stories in her childhood
Ruby fighting Beowolves after the Fall of Beacon
The Xiao Long-Rose family when Ruby and Yang were kids
Tai, Ruby, and Yang mourning at Summer's grave
Some of the friends Ruby made at Beacon
Team RWBY during their Beacon days
Ruby at the end of the Battle of Beacon
The ones who destroyed Beacon
Ruby thinking about the people she lost
Ruby goes back home after the Fall of Beacon
Blake flees the City of Vale
Ruby and Taiyang care for Yang
Taiyang sees RNJR off as they begin their journey to Mistral
Blake sails away from Vale
Yang sits alone at home, depressed
Ruby hopes everyone will be able to keep going
Team RNJR travel through the forest of Hinoki.
Jaune and others are concerned for Ruby.
Ruby going through Summer's belongings.
Ruby begged Taiyang to celebrate her mother birthday.
Bartholomew Oobleck's cameo in Ruby's childhood flashback.
Peter Port's cameo in Ruby's childhood flashback.
Ruby is sad that nobody celebrating her mother's birthday.
Yang takes Ruby outside to tell her about Summer.
Yang tells stories about Summer to Ruby.
Ruby encounters Raven in her bird form.
Raven tells Ruby the stories she heard are lies.
Raven viciously expresses her opinion about Ruby's mother.
Team RNJR fights a horde of Lancers.
Ruby facing off with a Lancer.
Ruby asks Yang the stories she told her were lies.
Qrow comforts Ruby and Yang.
Qrow gives Ruby a hint what weapon Summer used.
A hint of Summer's weapons she used.
Ruby thinks about her mother awhile fighting Lancers.
Ruby after the battle against the herd of Lancers.
Introducing Qrow Branwen.
Qrow gives Ruby and Yang's advice on battles.
Introducing Nora Valkyrie.