Roblox Wiki
Roblox Wiki
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Authorized editors: Joritochip, Joritochip's Bot
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Hi, I'm joritochip, a 20-year-old game developer, web developer, and wiki editor. I also enjoy camping and hiking. If you need to contact me, you can do so on my message wall.
Administrator on the Roblox Wiki
Fandom Star and former Vanguard

This user has been verified by the Roblox Wiki staff to be joritochip.
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HDBCbadge This user has been an editor on the Roblox Wiki for 5 years, 11 months and 6 days.
Clock It is 1:11 PM in this user's timezone. (Mountain Daylight) Refresh the time
WikiaIcon Joritochip This user is a fan of Joritochip.