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Roblox Wiki

Darkness 2 is a horror game made by loleris. The goal is to defeat the beast finding whatever you can. Guns, supplies and many other things spawn around the map. The goal of the beast is to kill all the survivors without getting killed or the energy running out (if it does the beast dies). There is also a juggernaut which spawns with a shield and a hyperlaser gun. 


x10 chance as the Beast - Gives you x10 more chance of being the beast - 19,991R$

X3 chance as the Juggernaut - Gives you x3 more chance of being the juggernaut. - 200R$

2 more bullets - Gives you two more bullets in your pistol. - 80R$

VIP - Gives you 20% more health as a survivor - 10R$

See player names - See player names, but only as the beast. - 600R$

X2 Points  - Get double the points - 300 R$


This section is a trivia section. Please relocate any relevant information into other sections of the article.

  • VIP was free due to a code called " NotAfraid " which gave players the same benefits as VIP.
  • This game was developed by MAD STUDIO
  • The game is no longer playable due to it being under review.
