Cartoony Animation Pack is an animation package that was published in the marketplace by Roblox on January 19, 2017. It can be purchased for 250 Robux. As of August 21, 2019, it has been purchased 760,134 times and favorited 1.4M times as of June 18, 2024.
Release history[]
Location | Available from | Available until |
MarketplaceThis item can be purchased in the Marketplace. See all (631) · Random | January 19, 2017 | Still available |
Sale history[]
- During the Memorial Day 2018 sale, it was discounted to 100 Robux.
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- An issue with this item occurred on May 29, 2018, where the extension Roblox+ had notified players that this item's price was reduced to 100 Robux but was increased to 250 Robux a few seconds later. This had repeated throughout the day and caused confusion.