America de Sud
America de Sud este un continent descoperit și populat de spanioli la sfârșitul Evului Mediu. Continentul amintește prin forma sa pe hartă de un triunghi și se întinde de la nord de ecuator până aproape de cercul polar al Antarcticii, remarcându-se prin trei forme diferite de relief: în vest, Anzii, care se înalță până la o altitudine de 6.959 m, formează de-a lungul coastei Pacificului o adevarata coloana vertebrală a întregului continent. Mare parte din nord și nord-est este acoperită de păduri tropicale, ce se întind pe Valea Amazonului și de-a lungul coastei Caraibilor. În sud, șesuri și pampasuri aride coboară spre punctul rece și stâncos al continentului, Cape Horn.
[modificare]Țări și teritorii
[modificare]Argentina | region1color=#7bab28
| region2name=Bolivia | region2color=#67cc6c
| region3name=Brazilia | region3color=#cccc51
| region4name=Chile | region4color=#256244
| region5name=Columbia
| region5color=#cc8147
| region5items=
| region5description= After decades of violence Colombia is again a safe destination, offering coffee, jungles, volcanoes and two coastlines with a strong Caribbean feel..
| region6name=Ecuador
| region6color=#9396cc
| region6items=
| region6description=Crossed by the Equator, this small country offers diversity in its four regions: the Amazon Rainforest, the Andes, the Pacific Coast and the unique Galapagos Islands.
| region7name=Insulele Falkland
| region7color=#2727cc
| region7items=
| region7description=While most only think of the 1982 war and the ongoing dispute with Argentina, this piece of UK in the South Atlantic has much to offer including wildlife and remote landscapes.
| region8name=Guiana Franceză
| region8color=#ff71c0
| region8items=
| region8description= The "French" South America is actually part of the European Union and the launchpad of Europe's main spaceport.
| region9name=Guyana
| region9color=#5c73cc
| region9items=
| region9description=The only English-speaking country on mainland South America, featuring highlands, waterfalls and jungle.
| region10name=Paraguay
| region10color=#2d966a
| region10items=
| region10description=Possibly the least visited country on the continent, in the flat Paraguay you can see Jesuit missions, some major rivers and the impressive Itaipú Dam and hear the native Guaraní language.
| region11name=Peru
| region11color=#67b9bf
| region11items=
| region11description= The historic heartland of the Incas this country still offers a lot of Inca heritage (Machu Picchu being the most visited site) plus the Nazca lines, made by an earlier culture for a still not entirely clear purpose.
| region12name=Suriname
| region12color=#cc1f1f
| region12items=
| region12description= Part of the Netherlands until 1975, this country is a unique mix of Caribbean, Asian, Dutch and Latin American.
| region13name=Uruguay
| region13color=#349b24
| region13items=
| region13description=As futbol-crazy as and in other ways similar to its neighbor across the Rio de la Plata, Uruguay also offers great birdwatching and beaches.
| region14name=Venezuela
| region14color=#b44ab4
| region14items=
| region14description= While most people think oil and Socialism, Venezuela also offers jungles, waterfalls, major cities like Maracaibo and Caracas and one of the biggest lakes/bays in the world with Lake Maracaibo (technically a bay, depending on whom you ask).
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