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Halfborn Gunderson, a native speaker of Old Norse.

Old Norse is a language spoken by the Norse people prior to the rise of Christianity in Scandinavia.

Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard[]

The Sword of Summer[]

Halfborn Gunderson is shown to speak Old Norse due to being alive during the time of the Vikings.

The Hammer of Thor[]

When in the tomb of Gellir, Samirah al-Abbas translates the Nordic runes along the side of the coffin.



  • Old Norse is possibly derived from Old Germanic.
Demigod Abilities: ADHD | Ancient Greek | Aphrodite's Blessing | Ares' Blessing | Artemis' Blessing | Clear Sight | Dreams | Dyslexia | Latin | Spanish
Object Manipulation: Air | Alchemy | Anatomy | Atmosphere | Bones | Darkness | Dead | Diseases | Earth | Electricity | Fears | Fire | Healing | Ice | Illusions | Light | Locks | Love | Luck | Machines | Magic | Memories | Metals | Objects | Peace | Portals | Plants | Poison | Sleep | Sound | Temperature | Time | War | Water | Wealth | Weapons | Youth
Egyptian Magic: Animal Charming | Binding Magic | Combat Magic | Death Magic | Divine Words | Duat Travel | Duat Usage | Divination | Elemental Magic | Healing Magic | Necromancy | Path of the Gods | Statuary Magic | Storm Magic | Surveillance Magic | Sympathetic Magic
Other Abilities: Alf Seidr | Charmspeak | Curse of Achilles | Death Trance | Empathy Link | Immunity | Mist Control | Monster Sense | Prophecy | Rune Magic | Satyr's Sanctuary | Seasons Alteration | Shadow Travel | Shapeshifting | Teleportation | Vocal Mimicry | Zoolingualism
Skills: Alf Sign Language | Archery | Axemanship | Greek Training | Horsemanship | Knifemanship | Legion Training | Morse Code | Multilingualism | Musical Aptitude | Old Norse | Polearmsmanship | Swordsmanship | Weaving