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Setne Tas

Setne binding Carter and Zia.

Binding Magic is a common form of magic and is easy to use. With just the command word tas, something can be used to bind someone. It can be used in the form of rope or twine. In one instance, a simple glamour was able to be transformed into a binding. In combat, magicians seem to use this to slow down or capture their enemies. A more extreme form of binding magic is the Seven Ribbons of Hathor which can bind even a god or goddess and force them from their host.


When on trial, Setne was considered so dangerous that even with the Seven Ribbons of Hathor, he also had hieroglyphs floating around him in the form of Divine Words to further bind him. The Book of Thoth contains a binding spell capable of imprisoning gods and was used by Carter and Sadie Kane as well as Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase to defeat and imprison Setne.

Demigod Abilities: ADHD | Ancient Greek | Aphrodite's Blessing | Ares' Blessing | Artemis' Blessing | Clear Sight | Dreams | Dyslexia | Latin | Spanish
Object Manipulation: Air | Alchemy | Anatomy | Atmosphere | Bones | Darkness | Dead | Diseases | Earth | Electricity | Fears | Fire | Healing | Ice | Illusions | Light | Locks | Love | Luck | Machines | Magic | Memories | Metals | Objects | Peace | Portals | Plants | Poison | Sleep | Sound | Temperature | Time | War | Water | Wealth | Weapons | Youth
Egyptian Magic: Animal Charming | Binding Magic | Combat Magic | Death Magic | Divine Words | Duat Travel | Duat Usage | Divination | Elemental Magic | Healing Magic | Necromancy | Path of the Gods | Statuary Magic | Storm Magic | Surveillance Magic | Sympathetic Magic
Other Abilities: Alf Seidr | Charmspeak | Curse of Achilles | Death Trance | Empathy Link | Immunity | Mist Control | Monster Sense | Prophecy | Rune Magic | Satyr's Sanctuary | Seasons Alteration | Shadow Travel | Shapeshifting | Teleportation | Vocal Mimicry | Zoolingualism
Skills: Alf Sign Language | Archery | Axemanship | Greek Training | Horsemanship | Knifemanship | Legion Training | Morse Code | Multilingualism | Musical Aptitude | Old Norse | Polearmsmanship | Swordsmanship | Weaving