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If you ever need a new girlfriend...well, I think you'd look great in an iron collar and an orange jumpsuit.

–Kinzie to Percy after turning down her offer of a relationship, in The Son of Neptune.

Kinzie was an Amazon who served Queen Hylla. She is the daughter of a nymph.

The Heroes of Olympus[]

The Son of Neptune[]

At the Amazon base along with Hylla and others, Kinzie runs the front desk at the Amazon business. She seems to be Hylla's close friend and is very loyal to her. She later "helps" Hazel Levesque escape from the compound along with Frank Zhang and Percy Jackson. Kinzie happens to be a very skilled fighter. She could move faster than Hazel's eyes could follow and could also pull her sword out of thin air, which could imply that her mother is an Aura.

It is also hinted that she may have a crush on Percy, since she tells him at Camp Jupiter that she is available if he ever needs a new girlfriend, even though he tells her he already has a girlfriend at his old camp, Annabeth Chase.

The Blood of Olympus[]

Kinzie tries to fight Orion, and the last we see of her in the series is as she jumps into the battle. Reyna later implies that she is killed, however no body or death is confirmed.


Kinzie is said to be built like a policeman. Her dark eyes noticeably seem to look through you, as if thinking about who might attack next. Kinzie sometimes has an earpiece when she is the security guard at the Amazon warehouse in Seattle and has long auburn hair. She wears a black pantsuit.



  • Interestingly, while it has been stated that Kinzie’s mother is a nymph, it is never specified what type of nymph she is.
The Heroes of Olympus
Core Series: The Lost Hero | The Son of Neptune | The Mark of Athena | The House of Hades | The Blood of Olympus
Main Characters: Jason Grace | Piper McLean | Leo Valdez | Percy Jackson | Frank Zhang | Hazel Levesque | Annabeth Chase | Iapetus/Bob | Reyna Ramírez-Arellano | Nico di Angelo | Gleeson Hedge
Secondary Characters: Hylla Ramírez-Arellano | Dakota | Tyson | Ella | Octavian | Halcyon Green | Dr. Howard Claymore | Alabaster C. Torrington | Lamia
Minor Characters: Rachel Elizabeth Dare | Grover Underwood | Thalia Grace | Clarisse La Rue | Fleecy | Mrs. O'Leary | Kinzie | Arion | Calypso | Lou Ellen Blackstone | Chiron | Will Solace | Tristan McLean | Don | Julia | Jacob | Michael Varus | Burly Black | Medea | Midas | Lityerses | Phineas | Otrera | Echo | Narcissus | Sciron | Pasiphaë | Lycaon
Olympian Gods: Zeus | Hera | Poseidon | Hades | Ares | Demeter | Athena | Apollo | Artemis | Hephaestus | Aphrodite | Hermes | Dionysus
Minor Gods: Achelous | Aeolus | Asclepius | Boreas | Eurus | Hecate | Iris | Hypnos | Keto | Khione | Kymopoleia | Mithras | Nemesis | Nike | Notus | Phorcys | Serapis | Thanatos | Triptolemus | Zephyros
Roman Gods: Jupiter | Juno | Neptune | Pluto | Mars | Minerva | Ceres | Lupa | Bellona | Fortuna | Janus | Terminus | Vulcan | Mercury | Apollo (Roman) | Diana | Venus | Bacchus | Pomona | Aquilon | Hercules | Cupid | Auster | Favonius | Letus | Victoria
Giants: Enceladus | Porphyrion | Alcyoneus | Polybotes | Ephialtes | Otis | Damasen | Clytius | Mimas | Orion | Hippolytos | Thoon | Periboia
Undead: Gray | Zombie
Primordial Gods: Gaea | Tartarus | Ourae | Nyx | Chaos | Ouranos | Akhlys | Hemera | Elpis | Spes
Monsters and Magical Creatures: Cynocephali | Gorgon | Gryphon | Harpy | Basilisk | Lycanthrope | Gegeines | Cyclops | Katobleps | Unicorn | Giant Eagle | Ichthyocentaur | Satyr/Faun | Storm Spirit | Laistrygonian Giant | Lares | Mania
Related Content: Rick Riordan | Haley Riordan | Percy Jackson and the Olympians | Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Ultimate Guide | The Demigod Files | The Demigod Diaries | The Son of Sobek | The Singer of Apollo | The Staff of Serapis | Percy Jackson's Greek Gods | Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes | The Crown of Ptolemy | Demigods & Magicians | Demigods of Olympus | Percy Jackson Demigod Collection