Haley Riordan (born 1994) is one of the two sons of Rick Riordan who inspired him to create the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. He once asked his father for more stories about Greek mythology, leading him to make up new myths based on ancient Greek myths, thus the character Percy Jackson was created.
Haley helps out his father with new ideas. Rick Riordan even let his son write one of the four stories in The Demigod Diaries (Son of Magic) when he was 16. The story is about a man named Dr. Claymore and a boy named Alabaster C. Torrington, a son of Hecate, who decided to fight along with Kronos in the Second Olympian War.
- According to Rick Riordan, Haley has already written a novel. He claims that it is longer than anything he has ever written.
- Haley has ADHD and Dyslexia, which he overcame and is now an excellent reader and writer and loves books.
- Haley has a younger brother named Patrick.
- Rick Riordan decided to add ADHD and Dyslexia to the story to make Percy Jackson a lot like Haley. In fact, Percy is originated off of Haley himself.
- He does not use social media.