Rhythm Heaven Wiki
Rhythm Tengoku
Time to march.
Random actions will
hurt the team!
Do your best.
Rhythm Tengoku
Time to march.
Random actions will hurt the team!
Do your best.
Marching Orders
Ready, march! Following orders
as a unit builds a sense of
camaraderie. Also, rhythm.
 Rhythm Heaven Megamix

Marching Orders (マーチャ?, Marcher), is the 3rd Rhythm Game in Stage 1 (3rd overall) in Rhythm Tengoku and the 1st of Comet Land (67th overall) in Rhythm Heaven Megamix.

The arrange version, Marcher 2, appears in Technician in Rhythm Tengoku.


Screenshot GBA Marcher
Screenshot Arcade Marcher
Screenshot 3DS Marching Orders

In this game, a team of Squadmates are undergoing marching training while following Sarge's orders. The player controls the rookie at the end of the line. There are four commands that Sarge gives:

  • Attention, march! (ぜんたい、 すすめ!?, Zentai, susume!)
  • Attention, halt! (ぜんたい、 とまれ!?, Zentai, tomare!)
  • Left face, turn! (左向け、 左!?, Hidarimuke, hidari!)
  • Right face, turn! (右向け、 右!?, Migimuke, migi!)

Although the voice clips are more complicated, the player must perform these with proper timing along with the other squadmates. Just before the game ends, the squadmates move offscreen, still marching as the game ends.


  • Ⓐ/Tap: March
  • Ⓑ/Tap: Halt
  • ✚/Tap: Face left or right (depending on the pressed direction)

Timing Display[]

  • Perfect!/Ace!: The player does the action at the proper time with the other squadmates.
  • Early!/Late!: The Sarge becomes angry.
  • Miss...: The Sarge turns red with rage while steam puffs out of him.


隊長の判断 (Captain's Judgment)
きほんが できてないな。(Focus on the basics.)
まぁまぁ、 かな。(Well, I wonder.)
とりあえず...(For now...)
よしと します。(All right.)
なかなか よろしい!(That was very good!)
すばらしい判断力だ!(Excellent timing!)
Sarge Says
Mushy marching!
Do you hate halting?
Your turns need more tuning.
Eh. Passable.
Stone-solid stepping!
You stopped like a pro!
Fair turnabout!


わぁっ!おいてけぼりされた! 今日の任務は、おそうじでーす♪ 宇宙人の救出、大成功!!
(Waa! We got left behind!) (Today's mission is cleaning~♪) (Alien rescue, huge success!!)
たいきゃく!たいきゃくでーす!! あっ、まいごちゃん 発見で一す! まいごちゃんを助けたヨ!やった!!
(Retreat! Turn back!!) (Ah, we found the lost puppy!) (We helped the lost puppy! Hooray!)
Back to basic training... This is what we trained for! Mission success! I'm glad we
drilled so hard!

Rhythm Item[]

Marching Helmet Watch It!
The colors on this helmet make it
super obvious if you're not marching
in sync with your squadmates.
So you better toe the line, rookie!

Skill Star[]

The Skill Star appears on the fourth halt, which has a longer gap between "Attention!" and "Halt!" than usual.

Challenge Land[]

Marching Orders appears in the following Challenge Train courses:


Marcher []

Rhythm Tengoku
Time to march.
This time you need to be quick.
Do your best.

Marcher (マーチャ ?, Mācha ) is the 3rd Rhythm Game of Extra (51st overall) in Rhythm Tengoku (Arcade).

Here, all the squadmates look more feminine than usual, as they are wearing purple skirts and have flowers adorning their helmets, while their Sarge's uniform is purple and his hands rest on his hips. The gameplay is the same, but the tempo is sped up, with a more vibrant synth for orchestration.

Marcher 2P[]

マーチャ 2P
Rhythm Tengoku
Marcher 2P
Time to march.
Random actions will hurt the team!
Do your best.

Marching Orders (マーチャ?, Marcher), is the 3rd Rhythm Game in Stage 1 (3rd overall) in the 2P mode of Rhythm Tengoku (Arcade).

The arrange version, Marcher 2 2P, appears in Stage 4 in the 2P mode of Rhythm Tengoku (Arcade).

It plays the same as the 1P version, but the two players control the two middle Squadmates in the lineup.

Marcher 2P []

マーチャ 2P
Rhythm Tengoku
Marcher 2P
Time to march.
This time you need to be quick.
Do your best.

Marcher 2P (マーチャ 2P ?, Mācha 2P ) is the 3rd Rhythm Game of Extra (23rd overall) in the 2P mode of Rhythm Tengoku (Arcade).

It plays the same as the 1P version, but the two players control the two middle Squadmates in the lineup.




Main article: Marching Orders/Unused

In Other Languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese マーチャ Marcher
EnglishNOA Marching Orders
EnglishNOE Marching Orders
French En avant, marche! Forward, march!
Spanish Marcha marchosa Funky march
German Marschbefehle Marching orders
Italian Marcia ritmata Rhythmic march
Korean 행진 March
Rhythm Tengoku (GBA/Arcade)
One Player
KaratekaRhythm DatsumoMarcherAir BatterPachi Pachi SanninshuRemix 1
Shiroi ObakeKossori RatBaikin HakaseRemix 2
Usagi TobiRemix 3
QuizRhythm o ShujiRemix 4
Hopping RoadNinjaTap DanceRemix 5
Bari Bari SanninshuCosmo DanceSuper TapRemix 6

Remix 7
Remix 8
Arcade Exclusive

Two Player

Rhythm Heaven
Built to ScaleGlee ClubFillbotsRemix 1
Rhythm RallyShoot-'Em-UpRemix 2
Remix 3
Remix 4
Remix 5
Karate ManRemix 6

Built to Scale 2Frog Hop 2Remix 7
Rhythm Rally 2Fillbots 2Remix 8
Karate Man 2Glee Club 2Remix 9
Shoot-'Em-Up 2Remix 10
Rhythm Heaven Fever
One Player
Remix 1
Remix 2
Built to ScaleAir RallyFigure FighterRemix 3
Micro-RowSamurai SliceRemix 4
Flipper-FlopRemix 5
Remix 6
Karate ManRemix 7
Night Walk
Built to Scale 2Remix 8
Remix 9
Figure Fighter 2Micro-Row 2Karate Man 2Remix 10
Two Player
Fork LifterTambourineRingsideMicro-RowFlipper-FlopLaunch PartyTap TroupeKarate Man
Extra Games
The Clappy TrioSneaky Spirits
Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Earth World
Honeybee Land
Karate Man
Machine Land

The First Gate

Citrus Land

Donut Land

The Second Gate
Sick Beats
Barbershop Land

Songbird Land

The Third Gate

Lush Woods
Lush Tower

Honeybee Tower

Machine Tower

Citrus Tower

Donut Tower

Barbershop Tower

Songbird Tower

Heaven World
Star Land

Comet Land

Planet Land

The Fourth Gate

Mamarin Palace
Left-Hand Tower

Right-Hand Tower

Tibby's Mom

Shop No. 1

Shop No. 2

Shop No. 3
Built to Scale
Shop No. 4

Shop No. 5
Samurai Slice
Shop No. 6