This is a Fan Fiction Story by Breanna Waterwind.
Chapter 1[]
- In the Western Sea was a huge rock. But Holt Rudderwake was inside. The Holt of otters were kind and humble.
- "Breanna! Can you come here?"asked the sea otter Storeen Wavedog to his daughter Breanna.
- "Yes,Father?"she said nicely.
- "Well,as you know you're at the age of getting marri-"Breanna quickly got the message.
- "No father I do not want to marry Stelen yet!"she said.
- "But why not?"Storeen asked her with a tone.
- "I want to do something with my life before I settle down. Also I want t-"Breanna said.
- "Find Kroova? You are getting married tomorrow night!"Storeen sad as he walked away.