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Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information

Get Yer Wack: A Liverpool Anthology is the first known published work of Brian Jacques, credited to "J B Jaques". It was originally published by Anvil Press in 1971 (ISBN B0007BLCU4), and later re-released by Raven Books in December 1973 as Get Yer Wack: An Anthology of Liverpool Humour. The cover photographs, taken by Susan P. Place (Susan Hanley-Place), depict Jacques on Liverpool's Albert Dock. The book is in paperback form, and features illustrations by Bill Tidy.


Get Yer Wack is a collection of Liverpudlian short stories, poems, and humorous songs. The original recommended price was £0.40p, or roughly $0.75. Initially, 28,000 copies were sold.

The book is divided into five different chapters.

Several selections from Chapter 3, "Adam an' Eve", "Let my People Go", "Caynanable", "Sampson and Delicious", and "The First Rebel" would later make their way into According to Jacques.

The selection "The Marmalade Tom" appears as a monologue on The Liverpool Fishermen's album, Swallow the Anchor.


  • According to Brian Jacques, "get yer wack" is a Liverpool colloquialism that means "make sure you get your share" or "make sure you get all that's due to you."
  • "Wack" was Scouse dialect for a working class native of Liverpool. Another perhaps more famous instance of this word is in the song "Dear Wack!", by 1960s Liverpool pop group, The Beatles.

Early works of Brian Jacques

Get Yer Wack: A Liverpool Anthology | Yennoworrameanlike | According to Jacques: A Mersey Bible | Scouse with the Lid Off | Jakestown: My Liverpool | Brian Jacques Meets Paddy Kelly | Brown Bitter, Wet Nellies and Scouse | Infirmary Tales | Wordplays 1 | Fireside Tales
