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Ireena Kolyana
Ireena Kolyana was a reincarnation of Tatyana, the girl whom Strahd von Zarovich fell in love with. When Ireena, her brother Izek, her father, and her uncle went on a fishing trip, Izek was bitten -
Rudolph van Richten
Doctor Rudolph van Richten was a scholar from the domain of Darkon. Dr Rudolph van Richten was born in the domain of Darkon. -
Azalin Rex or "The Rex", was a wizard-king and the darklord of the domain of Darkon. He was known by his subjects for his draconian rule. As an undead wizard, Azalin's true appearance -
Ravenloft Wiki
Other Dungeons& Dragons gaming wikis from Fandom Dungeons and Dragons (homebrew) • D&D Lore (canon) • Dark Sun • Dragonlance • Eberron • Forgotten Realms • Greyhawk • Points of Light • Spelljammer • d20 NPCs • Pathfinder • Baldur's Gate • Icewind Dale • Gold -
Dusk elf
Dusk elves were an elf subrace known in Ravenloft. They looked like normal elves, but were either paler in complexion, with pale white skin, fair hair, and light blue or violet eyes, or else darker -
Tatyana was a young Barovian woman. When count Strahd von Zarovich fell desperately in love with her, his unrequited obsession drove him to seal a pact with the Dark Powers, turning him into a vampire -
Strahd von Zarovich
Strahd von Zarovich, also known as Strahd the XI, was allegedly the first vampire and the darklord of the domain of Barovia in Ravenloft. He originated on a world of the Prime Material Plane. He -
Amber Temple
The Amber Temple was a temple in the Balinok Mountains of Barovia containing dark and forbidden lore and amber sarcophagi containing evil vestiges. The Amber Temple was founded by a society of good-aligned wizards -
Izek Strazni
Izek Strazni was the biological brother of Ireena Kolyana and an enforcer of Baron Vargas Vallakovich. When he, his father, his sister, and his uncle went fishing, on the way back his arm was bitten -
Madam Eva
Madam Eva, formerly Katarina, was the half-Vistani half-sister of Strahd von Zarovich. She was also a fortune teller for the Vistani, able to perform readings with tarokka cards. She cares little for other -
Rahadin was a dusk elf who served as manservant and right-hand man to Strahd von Zarovich. External Links[ ] Rahadin article at Mistipedia, a wiki for the Ravenloft campaign setting run by The Fraternity of -
Sergei von Zarovich
Sergei von Zarovich was the brother of Strahd von Zarovich, whom Strahd despised because of his youth. Tatyana fell in love with Sergei, which was the last straw for Strahd, who became a vampire and -
The Abbot
The Abbot was a deva who ran the Abbey of Saint Markovia in Barovia. His fall from grace started when he cured a family called the Belviews of "human weaknesses" by turning them into mongrelfolk -
Curse of Strahd
Curse of Strahd is an adventure module for the 5-edition of Dungeons& Dragons, published by Wizards of the Coast in 2016. Set in the Ravenloft campaign setting, the module revolves around the vampire Strahd -
I'Cath was an Island of Terror, ruled over by the Standard Lord Tsien Chiang. It was formerly a province somewhere in Kara-Tur, on the world of Toril. Situated on the edge of the -
Sithicus (pronounced:/ˈsɪθəkʌs/ SITH-uh-cuss ), known as the Land of Spectres in Elvish, was a Core Domain in the southwestern Core that formed from a shattered elven kingdom. Sithicus was a withdrawn realm of -
Hazlik was the darklord of Hazlan. Hazlik had a bald head covered with ornate tattoos and a brown goatee. His left eye was brown, while his right eye was blue. He tended to wear long -
Holy Symbol of Ravenkind
The Holy Symbol of Ravenkind, originally known as the Holy Symbol of the High Priest, was a unique magic amulet and a symbol holy to the good inhabitants of Barovia of the Domains of Dread -
Darkon (pronounced:/ˈdɑːrkɒn/ DAR-kon) was one of the largest and arguably most powerful Core Domains, making up roughly one-third of the Core. It was ruled by the Darklord Azalin. Darkon bordered both the -
Harkon Lukas
Harkon Lukas was the wolfwere darklord of Kartakass in Ravenloft, who formerly lived in Cormyr in the world of Toril. As a shapechanger, Harkon assumed a variety of forms. He could become a dire wolf -
Forlorn (pronounced:/fɔːrˈlɔːrn/ for-LORN) was a domain that was largely untamed, abandoned, and mysterious land. Much of the land was composed of rocky hillsides and forested highlands. -
Falkovnia (pronounced:/foʊlˈkoʊvnɪɑː/ fol-KOV-ni-a) was a sinister domain in the Core that was ruled through military depotism. The domain was largely made up of rolling lowlands and dense, dark old-growth forests -
Goblyns were a race of monstrous humanoids unique to the Demiplane of Dread that were transformed from humans by evil magic and bore a resemblance to goblins. Goblyns had warty greenish-brown skin, pointy ears -
The Carnival
The Carnival was a floating Pocket that appeared throughout Ravenloft. As such, it could be used by travelers to navigate between Ravenloft's Domains, as long as they weren't picky about where they went -
Iron & Blood: Warriors of Ravenloft
Iron& Blood: Warriors of Ravenloft is a 3D fighting game set in the Ravenloft setting of Advanced Dungeons& Dragons. One-on-one fights took place on a 3D arena between heroes brought to the Domains
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An official wiki for the Roblox game known as Blox Fruits. Feel free to look around/edit/create posts, as long as you follow the rules. If you're looking for the ''official'' Blox Fruits Discord, it can be found at https://discord.gg/bloxfruits.