Irani Rael, also known as Nova Prime, is the main antagonist of What If... Nebula joined the Nova Corps?, the first episode of Season 2 of the TV Series, What If...?
In her characterisation, she is a variant of Nova Prime from an alternate universe where Ronan nearly destroyed Xandar and thus forced her to place a shield around the planet. However, after years of isolation, she gave up trying to protect the planet and joined forces with Ronan to destroy it instead.
She was voiced by Julianne Grossman.
What Makes Her Pure Evil?[]
- She was willing to help Ronan destroy Xandar, her home planet that she swore to protect, just to remain in power.
- Had Yondu Udonta murdered so his death could lead Nebula to shut down the shield surrounding Xandar.
- Ordered Garthan Saal to kill Nebula.
- Had Saal murder all of the Nova Corps agents who weren't loyal to her.
- Tried to get Nebula to join her.
- She ordered her soldiers to kill Nebula and her team before cowardly trying to flee Xandar.
- When Nebula offers her a chance to redeem herself, Nova Prime yells at Nebula for ruining her plans and tries to shoot her.
- There are no indications that she sees her allies as anything more than pawns.
- Even if the episode wasn't set in an alternate universe to the rest of the MCU, Nova Prime would likely still stand out due to her low resources and attempt at destroying an entire planet.
- While Xandar was forced into an age of darkness due to the Nova Corps placing a shield around it, this doesn't hold up as a tragedy for Nova Prime since her goals lie mostly in her lust for power, not to mention how letting Ronan destroy the shield invalidates its entire purpose.
External Links[]
- Nova Prime on the Villains Wiki
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