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“ Listen, we’re all Americans here and, we want an outcome, but quite frankly, quite frankly, I-I’m confused. Your men are little more than criminals, in my opinion. Keep breaking peace treaties we’ve made. Causing disturbances in everybody’s lives. But I pride myself on being a gentleman. Really, I do. But there are limits. „
~ Colonel Favours trying to justify his attacks on the Wapiti Indians.

Colonel Henry Favours is a major antagonist in the 2018 video game Red Dead Redemption II, serving as one of the main antagonists (alongside Andrew Milton) of the Beaver Hollow chapter.

He is a corrupt and pompous colonel in the United States military and liaison to the Wapiti Tribe Reservation. Despising his reputation as a coward or failure during the American Civil War, he seeks to instigate a war between the United States Army and the Waipiti Tribe as a means to gain glory and heal his wounded pride, and he is Eagle Files's arch-nemesis.

He was voiced by Malachy Cleary.

What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]

  • Although he was mocked by everyone due to how unsuccessful he was during the Civil War, it does nothing to excuse his actions of xenophobia towards Wapiti Indians.
  • Despite being called incompetent, he actually shows himself to be really competent during the game thanks to his actions.
  • He tried to go to war with the Wapiti Indians and slaughter them so he can be praised as a hero. To provoke them into war, he committed numerous atrocities, which include:
    • Taking away their horses, thanks to which they couldn't hunt, making them die from starvation and the harsh temperatures.
    • Kidnapping and sending their children into horrible reform schools.
    • Taking away their medication, causing many children and elderly to die.
    • Having their women taken away or assaulted, likely raping them as it's been used as a tool of war and colonization against Native Americans for centuries in real life.
    • Burning down their shrines.
    • Mocking their culture.
    • Heavily implied to have hired the two poachers to massacre numerous bison, to frame it on the Native Americans.
  • He presumably ordered the torture of Eagle Flies after he was arrested.
  • When meeting the Wapiti Indian chief Rains Fall, he antagonized and insulted him and his people for no reason.
  • He tried to frame and hang Captain Monroe for treason.
  • He mortally wounds Eagle Flies during the battle at the Cornwall Kerosine & Tar factory after the latter rescued Arthur Morgan.
  • He posthumously succeeded in starting a war between the U.S. army and the Wapiti Indians, forcing the latter to leave America and go to Canada to avoid more deaths.

External Links[]


           RockstarGamesLogo Pure Evils

Grand Theft Auto
2D Universe: Hans Nemesis
3D Universe: Catalina | Donald Love | Frank Tenpenny | Marty Jay Williams
HD Universe: Dimitri Rascalov | Peter Dreyfuss | Avon Hertz

Lionel Starkweather | Leo Kasper | Dr. Pickman

Max Payne
Nicole Horne | Victor Branco

Gary Smith

Red Dead
Agustin Allende | Colm O'Driscoll | Micah Bell | Colonel Henry Favours | Leviticus Cornwall | Jeremiah Compson | Edmund Lowry Jr. | Alberto Fussar | Otis Skinner

L.A. Noire
Harlan J. Fontaine
