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The Amazon Trio are the three members of Dead Moon Circus. They are animals given humanoid form and the trio of anti-villains-turned-supporting anti-heroes in Sailor Moon franchise. The first one is Tiger's Eye, the second one is Hawk's Eye, and the third one is Fish Eye.


Sailor Moon Super S[]

Tiger's Eye, Hawk's Eye, and Fish Eye are instructed by Zirconia to find Helios' hidden dream partner and capture the Golden Crystal. They looked through photos of candidates taken by Zircon in the bar of the circus tent, and often chose one. One of them, chasing the chosen victim, took out the dream mirror and looked into it to see if Pegasus was there. Sometimes they tried to trap Pegasus, but failed. Whenever the Sailor Guardians came to stop them, they sent Lemures after them, calling them from their shadows.

Tiger's Eye and Hawk's Eye always chased women and summoned female Lemures, while Fish Eye always chased men and summoned male Lemures. Tiger's Eye targeted young girls while Hawk's Eye targeted older women.

They didn't realize that they were once a tiger, a hawk, and a fish, but became humans through the power of the magical sphere, until Zirconia told them. They were also unaware of Queen Nehelenia's presence until she spoke to them from in front of her robes. She was told that if she failed to capture Pegasus, she would immediately revert to her original form forever.

Fish Eye discovers that Usagi is Sailor Moon and that Chibiusa is the owner of Pegasus, but when he tells Zirconia that he knows who it is, Zirconia assumes it is Usagi. After Fish Eye and Tiger's Eye left, Zirconia decided that her usefulness was over. He summons a Lemures named Mr. Magic Pierrot, destroys Usagi's dream mirror, and directs a spade attack at Fish Eye, but Hawk's Eye jumps in front of him and attacks him.

Tiger's Eye and Fish's Eye give up their powers to become humans in order to retrieve Usagi's dream mirror, and Usagi transforms into Sailor Moon to destroy Mr. Magic Pierrot. Tiger's Eye and Fish Eye lost their powers and died, and all three turned back into a hawk, a tiger, and a fish. Pegasus revived them and turned them back into humans, giving them a mirror of their own dreams. Finally they were seen turning into energy balls and being taken to the Crystal Forest of Elysium by Pegasus.

Sailor Moon Eternal[]

For example, the Amazon Trio is later turned into humans, the fight between Tiger's Eye and Hawk's Eye unfolds differently, and Hawk's Eye has a different meeting and parting with Makoto.

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