Project X Zone Wiki

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Chapter 16[]

  • Jedah? What could he be up to?
  • And that's not the only woman in the picture, you say?
  • We can worry about them later.
  • You must know what Jedah is planning.
  • Do you think I wasn't aware of the relationship you two share, Lord Raptor?
  • Hmm?
  • What? Intruders? In my world?
  • Hmph. I don't know how he got in, but there's no way he's getting out.
  • I better be off, then. Where're you going next, Lord Raptor?

Chapter 17[]

  • Heh heh heh. Ha ha ha ha ha hah!
  • So we meet again, Arthur!
  • I can never be killed. Not as long as this demon world exists!
  • Arthur, I see that you still understand nothing.
  • This is our last meeting. There will be no next time!
  • So this is it. A pity I couldn't end this with my own hands.
  • Farewell, Arthur. We shall never meet again!

Chapter 28[]

  • Intruders?
  • Heh heh, what a perfect opportunity.
  • That'll be enough.
  • How dare you invade my castle without so much as a simple hello!
  • I will not abide you poking around my castle.
  • These walls will be red with your blood before long!
  • Heh heh heh. Then how about this?
  • They've fallen for Riemsianne La Vaes' magical charms.
  • Heh heh, the power she wields is exquisite.
  • Oh, I wouldn't be so quick to say that.
  • This is my castle. I ask for no man's aid!
  • Do what you like.
  • (Jedah Dohma... I find it difficult to read him.)
  • Arthur. I' back...!
  • This does not mark the end of our battle, Arthur.
  • Our the demon world... is growing...

Chapter 39[]

  • Heh heh heh.
  • Ah ha ha ha hah!
  • Hmph. No, thank you. I'll take the plaintive wails of the demon world any day.
  • Salvation? Hah! I have no need for such a thing!
  • Because it is truly a wonderful piece of work.
  • Don't you think it deserves to be in a far nicer dimension than this one?
  • You humans would never understand the sheer beauty we behold here!
  • But no matter. Soon you shall provide it with the nourishment it needs!
  • This is not over. The king of the demon realm is not that weak!
  • Amazing... I never'd come so far...
  • You have assembled... quite a powerful army here...Arthur!
  • Heh heh heh... Ha ha ha ha ha!
  • ...The rest is up to you, my demonic freinds!
  • ...Do not forget, Arthur. The demon world...the demon world...!!
Project X Zone Quotes
Paired Characters
Akira & Pai - Chris & Jill - Chun-Li & Morrigan - Dante & Demitri - Frank & Hsien-Ko - Gemini & Erica - Haken & Kaguya
Jin & Xiaoyu - Kite & BlackRose - Kogoro & Mii - KOS-MOS & T-elos - Kurt & Riela - Ogami & Sakura - Reiji & Xiaomu
Ryu & Ken - Soma & Alisa - Toma & Cyrille - X & Zero - Yuri & Estelle - Zephyr & Leanne
Solo Characters
Juri - Tron - Lady - Batsu - Arthur - Devilotte - Imca - Vashyron - Bahn - Bruno
Rikiya - Ulala - Heihachi - Alisa B. - Flynn - Lindow - Saya - Sänger - Valkyrie - Neneko/Neito
Playable Characters (Story)
Kogoro - Mii - Chun-Li - Morrigan - Akira - Pai - Bahn - Tron - Servbots - Frank - Hsien-Ko - Reiji - Xiaomu - Soma - Alisa A. - Vashyron
Gemini - Erica - Zephyr - Leanne - Lindow - Kite - BlackRose - Ryu - Ken - Neneko/Neito - Ichiro - Sakura - Dante - Demitri - Heihachi
Haken - Kaguya - Yuri - Estelle - Sänger - Valkyrie - Kurt - Riela - Flynn - Devilotte - Arthur - Lady - Jin - Xiaoyu - Batsu - Imca
Toma - Cyrille - Alisa B. - KOS-MOS - T-elos - X - Zero - Chris - Jill - Rikiya - Bruno - Ulala - Saya - Juri
Eins - Drei - Dokugozu - Dokumezu - Ciseaux - Due - Aya-me
Lord Raptor - Jedah - Selvaria - Astaroth - Riemsianne - Seth - Vile
Non-Playable Characters

Project X Zone 2
Paired Characters
Akira & Kage Maru - Chris & Jill - Chrom & Lucina - Chun-Li & Xiaoyu - Ciel & Nana - Dante & Vergil - Demitri & Morrigan
Hiryu & Hotsuma - Jin & Kazuya - Kiryu & Majima - Kite & Haseo - KOS-MOS & Fiora - Ogami & Erica - Reiji & Xiaomu
Ryu & Ken - Sakura & Gemini - X & Zero - Yuri & Flynn - Zephyr & Vashyron
Solo Characters
Alisa - Aty - Axel - Captain Commando - Estelle - Felicia - Heihachi - Hibana - Ingrid - June
Leanne - Leon - Natsu - Pai - Phoenix & Maya - Ryo - Segata - Ulala - Valkyrie
Playable Characters (Story)
Reiji - Xiaomu - Chris - Jill - Heihachi - Kiryu - Majima - Jin - Kazuya - Demitri - Morrigan - Phoenix - Maya - Hiryu - Hotsuma
Natsu - Aty - Chun-Li - Xiaoyu - Ryo - KOS-MOS - Fiora - Captain Commando - X - Zero - Kite - Haseo - Ulala - Leon - Akira
Kage Maru - Ingrid - Axel - Dante - Vergil - Valkyrie - Zephyr - Vashyron - Leanne - June - Ciel - Nana - Alisa - Ryu - Ken
Sakura - Gemini - Pai - Ogami - Erica - Felicia - Chrom - Lucina - Yuri - Flynn - Segata - Estelle - Hibana
Sheath - Saya - B.B. Hood - Pyron - Tong Pooh - Juri - Metal Face - T-elos - Shtrom Jr. - Shtrom - Druk - Vile MK-II - Shadow - Dokugozu
Dokumezu - M. Bison - Lord Raptor - B. Hayato - Ranmaru - Dokurobo - Aya-me - Ciseaux - Kamuz - Zagi - Sigma
Non-Playable Characters
Urashima - Sylphie - Miyuki - Aura - Tarosuke - Otohime - Tiki