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"Impeach Fuzz" is the 20th episode of Season 1 of The Powerpuff Girls.

It was produced in 1998 and first aired on Cartoon Network in the United States on January 27, 1999.


After the Mayor loses the election to Fuzzy Lumpkins, the girls have to step in and restore the Mayor's faded glory and save Townsville from Fuzzy's own selfish ways.


It is campaign time in Townsville, and the long-sitting Mayor is practicing a speech he has written, chock-full of quotes and anecdotes lifted from some of the most famous speeches throughout American history. Miss Bellum, his aide, questions why he bothered to write it when no one ever runs against him, but the Mayor is not one to just concede to that fact.

Later, the Mayor campaigns within Townsville, but his voice falls on a sleeping Fuzzy Lumpkins out in the woods. When Fuzzy Lumpkins awakens and shouts at the Mayor to shut up, he touches a nerve with the citizens of the City of Townsville, minus the worried Mayor; this time the Mayor will have to fight for his title. Pretty soon, despite the Mayor's hardest, most conventional attempts at winning popularity against Fuzzy's inactive camp, the votes pour in with an unexpected lean against him. It is Lumpkins' turn in City Hall, much to his own surprise, and the Mayor's out on his head (literally).

Shortly after the election, his role as the mayor of Townsville gets to Fuzzy's head with little concern for decorum. He turns city hall into an actual pigsty, forces long-time administrative aide Ms. Bellum into a country girl routine to his own sensual arousal, and forces the girls to follow his every idiotic desire such as catching his pigs, washing his clothes, and playing music in a quartet with him.

Eventually, the Girls conclude that Fuzzy is even more incompetent at his job than the Mayor had ever been. Soon, the Girls and Ms. Bellum find the Mayor and try to convince him that the city needs him to run it again. Seeing as the people have spoken, the Mayor has lost the will to care, even as the girls no longer fight crime, Fuzzy literally turns the Mayor's office into a pigsty, or as his selfishness makes him an embarrassment to his post. It is not until Miss Bellum mentions Fuzzy wearing his hat that makes the Mayor snap out of it. The Mayor, after agreeing, tramples to the hall. Although complimenting some of the things Fuzzy did to his office, he scolds him for wearing his hat and challenges Fuzzy for it through wrestling (at Fuzzy's choice).

When the match is about to begin, Fuzzy unfairly brings out his relatives (according to Fuzzy, if you wrestle one of them, you wrestle them all). The Mayor chooses, unexpectedly by everyone, Professor Utonium as his help, though he easily gets knocked out by Fuzzy. Then, after the bell had sounded, the Mayor takes a hillbilly beating from Fuzzy and his cousins, and even with some lightning-quick help from the Girls invading the match, things look bleak when Fuzzy squishes him underneath his rear. However, as the Mayor is pinned and the countdown is almost up to "3", Fuzzy dons the Mayor's hat, driving the Mayor berserk and prompting him to kick out at the two-count! Then, he shows few wrestling moves of his own, tackling and hitting Fuzzy. Finally, after landing a belly flop to knock Fuzzy down and out (for a few seconds), the Mayor wins, takes back his precious hat from Fuzzy, and regains his rule of Townsville. And starting out, he asks the girls to help him catch his pig as the episode is about to come to an end.


Miss Bellum in Impeach Fuzz

Ms. Sara Bellum in her country-style outfit


  • Moral: Be careful who you are voting for when making political decisions.
  • In the process of electing the mayor in a city of the United States in real life, a candidate must first file to run for office before becoming eligible for voting. Fuzzy Lumpkins' sudden victory without his own direct involvement demonstrates a humorously complete subversion of the process.
    • Furthermore, most cities in the United States require that a candidate be a resident of the city they intend to run for mayor in, usually for at least a year. Fuzzy Lumpkins lives in a shack in a forest, outside the vicinity of the city of Townsville itself.
  • This is one of the few times the citizens of Townsville act less competently than the Mayor. Fuzzy is not even a resident of the city and was only yelling for some peace and quiet.
  • Ms. Bellum also said the Mayor never writes his own speeches in "The Bare Facts", but in this episode, he did write his own speech.
  • The moves that Mayor uses to finish off Fuzzy is the Superfly Splash, used by legendary wrestler Jimmy Snuka. This can be seen from the hand gesture that the Mayor shows before he jumps.
  • The Mayor's campaign speech is several other famous political speeches rolled into one: MLK, our founding fathers, and the Kennedy-esque "Ich bin ein Townsviller," which is German term for "I am a Townsviller."
  • Though Fuzzy beats the Professor with one punch in this episode, in Roughing It Up the Professor is able to fight on par with Fuzzy. It is possible he grew stronger.
  • On December 14th, 2000, Cartoon Network Netherlands aired the first half of this episode with audio out of sync about 10 seconds behind, with it being fixed as the wrestling match was about to start.
    • Also in the aforementioned dub, the Mayor sings a parody of "Papegaaitje, Leef Je Nog?".
  • In late 2003, Cartoon Network made a series of bumpers based on this episode where, after having lost to Fuzzy, the Mayor would become mayor of a new town. The people of that town would feel bad for the Mayor and elect him, and he would arrive in his office on his first day and Ms. Bellum would call on his intercom, which leads to the mayor cracking a joke so bad, his show would be immediately canceled.
    • Hospitalville: A medical town that fixed the Mayor up. Ms. Bellum reminds him to make his rounds, amd the Mayor says he never misses a round while holding a golf club, meaning a round of golf. The Mayor says the timing was dead-on, where saying "dead" is offensive in town.
    • Transylvania City: A dark and creepy town inhabited by monsters and ghouls. Ms. Bellum tells the Mayor that a mummy wants to talk to him, and he mishears it as "mommy" and assumes it's Mother's Day.
    • Future Spaceman Town: A town that is futuristically advanced. Ms. Bellum says a future spaceman is here and the Mayor asks if it's a present day one or a more futuristic one. This confuses him to the point of frustration.


  • As Ms. Bellum is talking into the tin-can phone, the size of the stump next to Her changes drastically between takes.

Production Notes[]

  • Although this episode premiered in the United States on January 27, 1999, it was actually produced in 1998 according to the credits.
    • This episode was finished in November of 1998.[1]

