Powerpuff Girls Wiki
Powerpuff Girls Wiki
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This article is a disambiguation page for Blossom

This is a disambiguation page. Do not seek information at this page as only very little is hosted here, just to provide the most general idea about this subject. Many versions of this subject exist. Therefore, it has been divided into different pages. Links in the gallery will bring you to a different version of Blossom.

Blossom is the leader of the Powerpuff Girls. She is the most mature, beautiful, and acts as if she were the oldest, although they’re all the same age. She is best known for her intelligence and determination.

You are currently on the disambiguation page. This page contains the most general overview of Blossom. There are many versions of Blossom. Therefore, we have divided this into several pages. If you don't find what you mean, try searching in the search field.
