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(Opening scene: Bliss, now possessed by HIM, begins wreaking havoc on the people of Townsville. He turns various people into living objects.)
Citizen: Help! (gets turned into a cheeseburger)
(HIM then turns a firefighter into a hydrant.)
Fire fighter: Hmm...
HIM: Oh, I love the smell of chaos in the morning! (cackles)
Bob: Breaking news here in Townsville Park. As it appears that Blisstina Utonium, the Powerpuff Girls' sister who had been missing for 10 years, is now possessed by archenemy, HIM, who had been posing as her tiny pet elephant named "Me." And is now wreaking havoc on the good people of Townsville.
Citizen: (as a stop sign) Havoc! (screams)
Bob: (gets turned into a pelican) Squawk, squawk, squawk!
Helicopter reporter: Squawk is right, Bob. And it's definitely gonna affect your evening commun- (gets flung away by HIM)
HIM: I'm ready for my close-up!
(The camera gets fuzzy, and the screen shows reveals "technical difficulties".)
Helicopter reporter: (escapes his helicopter as it crashes) Back to you, Bob!!
Buttercup: Just, uh, thinking out loud here, but this may be getting a tad out of control.
Bubbles: Bliss! (flies up to HIM) Are you still in there?
Bliss: (from inside HIM's body) Girls, help! HIM is controlling me and I can't stop!
(HIM pushes Bliss back and grabs Bubbles.)
HIM: Oh, Bliss is mine now. Powers and all! (throws Bubbles down)
Buttercup: (picks up one of Bubbles' pigtails) Whoa, that's not good. What do we do now, Ribbon Head?
Blossom: We're gonna do what we always do. Save the day!
Buttercup: You're a helmet? Seriously?
Blossom: Safety first, Buttercup. Safety first.